Homematic Ip device not found

Hey there,
I have on pi with hassio instaltion and on another one with raspmatic. Both system works pretty well but in hassio i can’t find one Homematic Ip device (HmIP-SWDM-B2). All other devices are visible in hassio.

In my configuration file is

      port: 2001
      username: "Account"
      password: "password"
      resolvenames: json
      port: 2010
      username: "Account"
      password: "password"
      resolvenames: json
      port: 9292
      resolvenames: json
      username: "Account"
      password: "password"
      path: /groups

On the about page is only one warning:

Log Details (WARNING)
Wed Jan 16 2019 18:32:09 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit)

Setup of homematic is taking over 10 seconds.
Does anyone have an idea how I can fix the error?

Not all devices are supported out of the box. They first have to be implemented in the library Home Assistant is using to communicate with HomeMatic devices. For your specific device this happened 5 days ago: https://github.com/danielperna84/pyhomematic/pull/207
So expect the device to be working in one of the upcoming releases of Home Assistant. Probably not the next one, rather the one after that.

Thank’s that sounds great :slight_smile:

I also have a problem with detecting a new IP device (connected to CCU2). My old smoke detector was broken so I set up a new one today (HmIP-SWSD). But it is not detected by Home Assistant. So what should I do?