Homematic (IP) Failed to connect

I am trying to get my existing RaspberryMatic (CCU2) connected to my HA running in Hyper-V but for some reason the integration always throws the error messages failed to connect( HM-RF Port=2000) if the port is 2001 I received unknow error. Anyone aware what this could be?

CCU3 has a configuration switch in control panel / Security for “Authentication active” ( don’t have the exact english translation, “Authentifizierung aktiv” in German), this is related to authentification when connecting to XML-RPC API. On CCU3 this has to be enabled to connect with HA, otherwise it fails with some “unknown error” ( Can’t recall the exact error message), maybe there is something similar for CCU2 ?


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Thanks for the quick, reply. I have this feature also in CCU2 an it’s activated


And this setting in Settings/Control Panel/Security is available with a CCU2 too?

the text is a bit misleading for HA, I read somewhere ( don’t have the link anymore) that this is a required setting for the HA integration

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also the space between “home” and “assistant” looks at least suspicious, did you try with a different user?
Another thing I recall from setting this up for friends was that the user not allowed to be logged into CCU in parallel, only one login per user

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Thanks alot for your responses but unfortunately neither did the trick.

I changed the setting to enable Authentication active and tried with the Admin user and the home assistant (both in logged out state).

The weird part is that I have a VM on another computer and there the Homematic integration works flawless, even though I have the same setup on both machines.

maybe this helps:


This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: hahomematic.central
Source: custom_components/homematicip_local/control_unit.py:747
Integration: homematicip_local (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:50:40 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:50:40 AM

POST: method 'CCU.getHttpsRedirectEnabled not supported by backend.


on the CCU3 there is a setting for redirecting to HTTPS, also in the Security Settings, either just above or below the setting in the screenshot above. Not sure, don’t have access to the system with the CCU3 currently.
Does the other VM use a secure connection (“use TLS”?) to access the CCU?


I got it to work by performing an update of the RaspberryMatic. Not sure why it helped but it fixed the issue :slight_smile: