I’m running Raspberrymatic on a Pi2 and Hass.io on a separate (Ubuntu) machine. The homematic component is working perfectly fine showing status and allowing me to trigger actions, but I can’t get automations to work. There are a couple of similar topics in the forum but none resolved my specific issue:
I have a “dummy program” running in Raspberrymatic to ensure that the keypress events are submitted and I see the events coming in looking at the homeassistant log file like this:
2018-07-09 20:36:11 INFO (Thread-3) [pyhomematic.devicetypes.generic] HMGeneric.event: address=000855699C46EC:2, interface_id=homeassistant-ip, key=PRESS_SHORT, value=True
I’m not using name resolution coming from the CCU/Raspberrymatic but translating to “friendly names” only inside home assistant using the customization.yaml file.
Based on the documentation of the homematic component I should get an additional log entry like this:
2018-01-27 11:51:32 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event homematic.keypress[L]: param=PRESS_SHORT, name=your_nice_name, channel=6>
which I don’t get - so far I assumed that’s ok because I don’t use the name resolution but I’m not sure anymore. The documentation talks about the specific issue of not getting the second message and a potential solution (switch from secure to standard communication mode on the HM side). This seems not to work for HmIP-BSM devices: I see the"Übertragungsmodus" option but it’s set to “gesichert” (means secured) and is grayed out / can’t be changed. Anyhow I’m not convinced that there is any reason why it should not work in “secured” mode - the first log entry already unveils all the data required arriving on the home assistant end, therefore there is no reason why the second message should be skipped for security purposes…
Text section from the component documentation:
It may happen that “your_nice_name” is not resolved correctly; the according message (#2 in the above example) will be missing. This might be due to secure communication between your HM interface and the HM device. You can change the communication from “secure” to “standard” within your HM-interface to solve that issue (in “Einstellungen” - “Geräte” find your device and change “Übertragungsmodus” from secure to standard) - not recommended for devices that should have secure communication.
My automation looks like this (simplified as much as possible):
- id: test_automation
alias: Test Automation
- event_data:
channel: 2
name: 000855699c46ec
event_type: homematic.keypress
platform: event
- data:
entity_id: light.licht_florian
service: light.toggle
I can trigger the event manually from the home assistant UI and the light toggles, hence the action section should be fine…