Homematic IP Light Switch

Hello all,

since a couple of weeks I´m dealing with smart home. I´ve not very much experience. I started to buy a raspberry and I´ve successfully installed home assistant. I also have successfully integrated my ip cam. Everything works fine so far. My next step is to buy more smart hardware to integrate more components to home assistant. I would like to start with replacing my light switch in the kitchen. After some research, I´m prefering the following product:
Homematic IP HmIP-BSM
Now I have the following question:
Is it possible to integrate this component to home assistant without the Homematic IP Access Point or is the Access Point necessary?

Best regards,

Homematic product only work with a device that handles the wireless communication. The IP Access Point is and will not be supported. You can however use the CCU2 or raspberrymatic with the HmIP-BSM. There also is an addon for hassio that can use the wireless module used for raspberrymatic.

Thank you for your quick response.
Do you know if there are existing flush-mounted light switches that do not need an access point or bridge and who are compatible with home assistant?