Homematic(IP) Local failed to connect

I sucesfully installed RaspberryMatic and also teach-in a few Homematic RF devices but when I wanted to install integration Homematic(IP) Local I got the error “Failed to Connect” when I want to submit the configuration data. Entered configuration data and log error you find below.
I checked the CCU username and password and it correct also the CCU Hostname is correct because I copied from add-on RaspberryMatic. For the integration instance name I entered RaspberryMatic.

Log error:

This error originated from a custom integration.
Logger: hahomematic.xml_rpc_proxy
Source: custom_components/homematicip_local/control_unit.py:672 
Integration: Homematic(IP) Local (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 00:41:49 (6 occurrences) 
Last logged: 01:10:10
(111, 'Connection refused') 

did you open the firewall on the raspberrymatic for XML-API access?

Yes firewall was not opened and after I enabled full access works perfectly. Thank you!