I try to generate a template for a binary security alarm sensor for the homematic IP smoke detector (hip-swsd) integrated over HACS homematic (IP) local integration.
For some reason the HACS integration does not generate an alarm (binary_Sesnor) for each smoke detector in home assistant. There is only one hidden sensor that shows the smoke detector states like
My challenge is now that I need a binary sensor for each smoke detector to integrate the smoke detectors into alarms security alarm panel integration of home assistant. I tested several ways to template a binary sensor but did not find a way.
The condition is that if smoke detector alarm Status is “primary_alarm” than set binary_sensor to smoke alarm detected/open, on all other states the binary sensor should be clear/closed.
Is there a way I can do this with a binary sensor template that always updates the binary sensor on state changes of the smoke detector?
Thanks for your help.