Homematic Keypress not working (new)


Im trying to get the Homematic Keypress working, afters hours of searching of the same topics i still have problems and no clue how to solve it. I bought a HMIP WRC6 device and added it into my CCU, also done the workaround with create a programm for both channels as written in Homematic - Home Assistant .

When i press the button:

but nothing happens.

I tried the ID, the real name, entity ID, i activate the progs

but nothing happens.

if someone has an idea i’m really happy :smiley:

best regards


Looks like you are using the old documentation for the new integration. Not the best plan.

Simply use the HA UI to create an automation.

There is no need to record events. The new Integration supports device triggers.

Hey Sukram,

oh my goodness - I could have sworn… i tried first…