HomeMatic OCCU Hardware Issue

A brief description, of what you did would help :smile:

Did it work and what exactly does it put into which file at HASSIO? :slight_smile: I would like to use this with HmIP to save a Raspberry pi.

Tried this and did not work :frowning_face:

Decided, to give up with HM-MOD-RPI-PCB and ordered HmIP-RFUSB.
New chance, to burn money - horray :slight_smile:

the HmIP-RFUSB is only support HomeMatic IP though, isn’t it?

I got the PRI-PCB one up and running. You need to provide the dt overlay dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt in /mnt/boot/config.json and the following config in the homematic addon:

  "rf_enable": true,
  "rf": [
      "type": "CCU2",
      "device": "/dev/ttyAMA0",
      "reset": true
  "wired_enable": false,
  "wired": [
      "serial": "xy",
      "key": "abc",
      "ip": ""

Then in the configuration.yaml:

      host: core-homematic
      port: 2001

And finally it should work.

The device pairing is very easy with the homematic-manager: GitHub - hobbyquaker/homematic-manager: Homematic Device Configuration and Administration

can you post your /mnt/boot/config.json I don’t have such a file (using HASS.IO)

sorry it is the config.txt

~ # cat /mnt/boot/config.txt 


Unfortunately your right. Seems, that it only works with hmip. Funny thing: Seen OCCU start for the first time :slight_smile:

Have no idea, what might be wrong with my Setup. I´m trying two different Modules HM-MOD-RPI-PCB.
The modules seem to be recognized correctly, the application is started and…boom:

2018/11/13 21:20:16.141 RX FRAME: ff 01
2018/11/13 21:20:16.141 CCU2CoprocessorCommand::CCU2CoprocessorCommand(): Message too small: 2 bytes.
2018/11/13 21:20:16.141 () CCU2CommController::handleIncomingSerialFrame(): Command not parseable.
2018/11/13 21:20:17.139 () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response.
2018/11/13 21:20:19.139 CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Retrying to send start command
2018/11/13 21:20:19.139 CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Send start command
2018/11/13 21:20:19.139 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand()
2018/11/13 21:20:19.139 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 03 00 02 03 94 09
2018/11/13 21:20:19.142 RX SERIAL: fd 00 02 ff 02 82 0f
2018/11/13 21:20:19.142 RX FRAME: ff 02
2018/11/13 21:20:19.142 CCU2CoprocessorCommand::CCU2CoprocessorCommand(): Message too small: 2 bytes.
2018/11/13 21:20:19.142 () CCU2CommController::handleIncomingSerialFrame(): Command not parseable.
2018/11/13 21:20:20.140 () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response.
2018/11/13 21:20:20.639 CCU2CommController::init(): Init failed. Cannot start coprocessor application.
2018/11/13 21:20:20.639 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand()
2018/11/13 21:20:20.639 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 04 00 03 0a 00 bd 07
2018/11/13 21:20:20.642 RX SERIAL: fd 00 02 ff 03 02 0a
2018/11/13 21:20:20.642 RX FRAME: ff 03
2018/11/13 21:20:20.642 CCU2CoprocessorCommand::CCU2CoprocessorCommand(): Message too small: 2 bytes.
2018/11/13 21:20:20.642 () CCU2CommController::handleIncomingSerialFrame(): Command not parseable.
2018/11/13 21:20:21.639 () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response.
2018/11/13 21:20:21.639 () CCU2CommController::setCSMACAEnabled(): Error disabling CSMA/CA.
2018/11/13 21:20:21.640 No BidCoS-Interface available
2018/11/13 21:20:21.640 Error initializing interfaces

What does this error state? Other users seem to have this error too. Hmmmm…what can we do…

I’m having exactly the same error.
Is there any solution?

I found the solution:

If you are migrating from RaspberryMatic to Hassio you have to re-flash the firmware to your Modul:


After doing that it now works for me…

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Nice1. How did you flash it with hass.io in detail? Did you use the host ssh on port 22222?

I didn’t use Hass.io to flash.

I switched to a second SD card with a simple raspbian lite installation, then flashed the module and switched back to the Hass.io card.

Worked perfectly fine.

You are a complete star!
I don’t know how many hours I spent on this issue. The firmware upgrade did the trick! Now I can finally continue with a single RasPi.

btw: I registered to say this. It is my first post in this forum.

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Switched to a RasPi 4 recently. Had to change the config.txt options to


Unfortunately now bluetooth does not work (okay - nobrainer, as I disabled it). Anyone got an idea?


I’m trying to get rid of the extra pi for the ccu and achieving a all in one solution.
So I’m also struggling with the integration and the HM-MOD-RPI-PCB modul, config.txt is still edited, but now afraid to made the FW update mentioned above, as it might not work and want to go back to my old pivccu setup and it may broke due to the FW update. how can i go back to old FW?

thanks in advance!

I am also interested in the process with the PCB Module and a Raspi 4 to get rid of the CCU2 in my case.


is this still valid ? or do you have issues?

I tested my module with raspberrymatic, it works on the Raspberry Pi 3.
The firmware version of the module is 2.8.5 - so it got successfully upgraded by raspberrymatic.

Now back on HA - I added the following to the config.txt

But still, getting this

[14:18:59] INFO: Starting rfd...
2021/02/03 14:18:59.759 <Info> BidCoS-Service started
2021/02/03 14:18:59.760 <Info> XmlRpc Server is listening on TCP port 2001
2021/02/03 14:18:59.761 <Debug> CCU2CommController::init() - Legacy initialization.
2021/02/03 14:19:04.762 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorApp(): Trying to start coprocessor application
2021/02/03 14:19:05.263  CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Send start command
2021/02/03 14:19:05.263  CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand()
2021/02/03 14:19:05.263  CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 03 00 00 03 18 0a 
2021/02/03 14:19:06.263 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response.
2021/02/03 14:19:08.263  CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Retrying to send start command
2021/02/03 14:19:08.263  CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Send start command
2021/02/03 14:19:08.263  CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand()
2021/02/03 14:19:08.263  CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 03 00 01 03 9e 09 
2021/02/03 14:19:09.263 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response.
2021/02/03 14:19:09.763 <Fatal error> CCU2CommController::init(): Init failed. Cannot start coprocessor application.
2021/02/03 14:19:09.763  CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand()
2021/02/03 14:19:09.764  CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 04 00 02 0a 00 3d 10 
2021/02/03 14:19:10.764 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response.
2021/02/03 14:19:10.764 <Error> () CCU2CommController::setCSMACAEnabled(): Error disabling CSMA/CA.
2021/02/03 14:19:10.764 <Error> No BidCoS-Interface available
2021/02/03 14:19:10.765 <Warning> Error initializing interfaces
2021-02-03 14:19:10,766 [ERROR] BidCosRpcDispatcher - Could not register BidCos-RF_java
2021-02-03 14:19:10,769 [ERROR] BidCosRpcDispatcher - Could not register BidCos-RF_java

What is wrong with my setup ?

I am still working on getting the module running on a RPI4 and RPI3+ but I found something interesting

This information, at least, allowed me to use this Docker Images to flash the Module with a “supported” firmware

But anyhow still trying to figure out the rest, so perhaps this helps someone to get the module running (perhaps even with bluetooth activated).


update 08.02.2021 19:41
Here I have collected some more information, I am now at the point were I can use the docker container to make a firmware upgrade and be able to start the addon without errors on my RPi 3+
The Webui is not stuck :frowning: