Homematic - Smoke Detector HomematicIP HmIP-SWSD - Service for Triggering Alarm

Hello all

I have got seven somke detectors (Type HmIP-SWSD) present in home assistant.
I would like to group them. If one device detects smoke and makes noise, all other six devices should also make noise.

Can anybody describe how to trigger an alarm (smoke detector makes noise)?

In my HA the HmIP-SWSD detector is listed in entity list twice:

sensor.living_room_smoke_alarm_status and

For entities of type “light”, I can call a service to switch them on and off, thats clear.
But for entities of type “sensor” or “binary_sensor” I assume there is no service available (what is somehow understandable, since it is a sensor)

Is there any other way of triggering the alarm? Is there an entity missing?

Thank you very much for help. In case this forums is not the right one for this issue, please advice me to the appropriate one.


Got the same issue…
You can pair them by homematic, so that all together makes noise, but how to trigger the event?

My solution is to trigger to primary, because the homematic changed his state from ‘off’ to ‘primary’ if it detects smoke. The other connected smoke detectors changed there state to ‘secondary’

platform: state
  - sensor.rauchmelder_flur_dg_smoke_detector_alarm_status
  - sensor.rauchmelder_flur_og_smoke_detector_alarm_status
  - sensor.rauchmelder_flur_eg_smoke_detector_alarm_status
  - sensor.rauchmelder_flur_kg_smoke_detector_alarm_status
to: primary

But I do not find an event to trigger this …

Maybe anyone else has another solution?

This works for me:

service: homematic.set_device_value
  channel: 1
  address: <your-device-id>
  value: <see-below>

value can be:


Hi Jens, a bit off topic, how did you get the HmIP-SWSD into Home assistant? Is there any way to do it without an additional CCU device?

Many thanks!

Regards Uros

Hi Uros,

no, it isn’t possible without. But you can use “Raspberrymatic CCU” as an AddOn in HA.
Then you’ll need a “HmIP-RFUSB” to connect the HmIP-Devices to HA.


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Thanks! I will try this out. Although that would be the fourth protocol on top of BTE, ZigBee and WLAN. :slight_smile:

But hey, the more the merrier.


It has been a while but I have the same problem: I am trying to run the sirene of my smoke detectors ( HM-Sec-SD-2) as well. But I am not able to do so. I have installed XML-API 2.3 on my RaspberryMatic 3.75 and the script needed to be adapted to the following:

alias: Alarm an
  - service: homematicip_local.set_device_value
      channel: 1
      device_address: OEQ1270XXXXX
      value: INTRUSION_ALARM
mode: single

But the script still got the following error:

Logger: hahomematic.client
Quelle: custom_components/homematicip_local/services.py:449
Integration: Homematic(IP) Local (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 10:23:42 (1 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 10:23:42

SET_VALUE failed with ClientException [XMLRPC Fault from backend: -5 Unknown parameter]: OEQ1270XXXX:1, SMOKE_DETECTOR_COMMAND, INTRUSION_ALARM

@SkylightXD / @rockyou /@uros → Are you still running the script? Would be nice to get some help here.