HomeMatic Spamming Logs

HomeMatic fills the logs with status updates like this:

2021-11-23 20:01:06 INFO (Thread-6) [pyhomematic.devicetypes.generic] HMGeneric.event: address=000393C99BA3E1:0, interface_id=homeassistant-hmip, key=DUTY_CYCLE, value=False
2021-11-23 20:01:06 INFO (Thread-6) [pyhomematic.devicetypes.generic] HMGeneric.event: address=000393C99BA3E1:0, interface_id=homeassistant-hmip, key=LOW_BAT, value=False
2021-11-23 20:01:06 INFO (Thread-6) [pyhomematic.devicetypes.generic] HMGeneric.event: address=000393C99BA3E1:0, interface_id=homeassistant-hmip, key=UNREACH, value=False

This is a nuisance when debugging. I have tried setting the logging to prevent this but it doesn’t help:

  default: info
    homeassistant.core: info
    homeassistant.components.homematic: warning

Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong?


It’s hardcoded to the info-loglevel here. This indeed could be reduced to the debug-loglevel I guess.

That being said, I personally wouldn’t use info as the global level anyways. If everything is working, it’s fine switching to warning. Other integrations (which you might just not have in use) probably generate a similar amount of messages.

The reason I’m using Info is after a failed attempt at migrating from OZW to Z-WaveJS, I decided to finally wipe my Home Assistant setup as it’s been running since version 0.31 (Oct. 2016) and start afresh.
The logging was useful for troubleshooting as I recreated my setup, but the HomeMatic logging was getting in the way.
Previously, there had been a lot of errors logged about missing entities, etc. Now that new setup is up and running, there is almost nothing logged except HomeMatic, but I would definetly support changing HomeMatic to debug logging by default

@sota check that link here: No value updates from Homematic IP - #3 by danielperna84

all is described there.

Thanks @dm82m but that shows how to enable debug logging. I’m trying to stop all the info level logging that is spamming the logs by default.

set it to : warning

The next release will have those messages set to debug: Reduce log level for events · danielperna84/pyhomematic@0195bb5 · GitHub

Thanks @danielperna84 & @dm82m, I will wait for that release.