HomeMatic toggle to 80%

Hey community,

bear with me, I’m new to Home Assistant :slight_smile:

In one of my Dashboards I configured an entity to either put all my shutters to 0% or 100%.

I want to mainly use this to close all shutters when I’m leaving the house. (No, I haven’t yet used any automations with geofencing to do this alone, as there are other dependencies, hence keeping it manual currently.)

However, when closing all shutters I do not want them to go to 100%, I require them to stop at 80%. How could this be achieved?

core-2022.4.5 as container on Synology

There are a few services for covers to control position and tilt.

One note: controlling multiple shutters at the same time can cause problems with HomeMatic. While the movement is in progress, there is ongoing radio-traffic, which, depending on the number of devices, can cause communication errors on your CCU. It may still work technically, but the resulting service messages may bother you. And I heard before, that in some setups the devices don’t fully close / open when such errors happen.

The stable way operating multiple HomeMatic shutters is to use a script with delays where only one or 2 devices are working at the same time.

Thanks a lot, I’ll check on this.

Hey Daniel,

thanks for the note. I know the duty cycle thing :slight_smile:
Other than that, I have the HomeMatic IP, which still could run into the duty cycle issue, but may have not too much devices, so never reached the duty cycle.

I am not talking about the duty cycle. With radio signals only one packet can be transmitted at the time. So if the devices start to work at the same time, the packets collide in the air. Even if it’s just a hand full of packets which don’t raise the duty cycle much. It’s like multiple people talking at the same time. The CCU can only hear one of them correctly. So it’s more stable to script it in a way, that only one device is saying “I’m at 10% now, I’m at 20% now, I’m at 30% now”.

Ah, ok, thanks a lot for the note. I’ll check how things behave and that do whatever it requires.

That’s exactly my problem. I have 8 shutters at home and when I ask all of them to go up or down, one of them is often not reacting.
I’ll try by moving from scene to automation where I can add a delay.