Homematic Variables

I have my homematic CCU set up and working in Homeassistant with names resolving via XML. Despite setting variables: true I am unable to access the variables or set them.

I don’t get a Homematic entity in my frontend even though the devices are all there and working. looking through my log I can’t see any failure, in fact I can’t see it even attempt to retrieve the variables. Does anyone else have this working? I’m using 0.53

configuration.yaml extract:

      ip: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx (obscured)
      resolvenames: xml
      username: xxxxxxxx
      password: xxxxxxxx
      primary: true
      variables: true


OK. Appears to be a bug introduced in 0.53

Installed 0.52.1 and system variables work fine using the exact same config.

same here, invalid config after update to 0.53.1

regards, El

There’s an issue here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/9360
Hasen’t been fixed yet unfortunately.

thank you for the Info !
Have a nice weekend.

Same here, but where can i download the “older” 0.52.1 image ?

Can’t find it anywere, i overwrite the resinos img on the 0.53.1 download (stupid me)

Thx in advance

Are there news about the homematic bug. I also had to downgrade to 0.52.1. Because i use the new geofency component thats only available since Version 0.53.0 i have a problem.

Yes, the fix will be included in the next release. If you have a regular installation (not hassio), then you can upgrade and manually replace the homematic code. The fix is in this pull request: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/9544

Good news. Thanx