Homematic.virtualkey service

I’m working with Home Assistant + Homematic CCU3 since a couple of days.
My first impression : I’m amazed about the possibilities that Home Assistant offers !

I’m new on the forum so I’m probable asking something stupid but still…

I’m trying unsuccessfully to trigger a virtual key on the CCU3 with a Button I made.
Using the “Developer Tools” / “Service” / “homematic.virtualkey” everything works fine

But when I put it into my http://homeassistant:8123/lovelace it doesn’t work anymore…

      - type: button
          action: call-service
          service: homematic.virtualkey
          address: BidCoS-RF
          channel: 14
          param: PRESS_SHORT
        name: Test
        hold_action: none

I get this on the Log:

[2975940368] required key not provided @ data[‘channel’]
2:06:17 PM – websocket_api (ERROR) - message first occurred at 12:57:03 PM and shows up 43 times

Could anybody help me out with this ??
Thanks a lot !!

Hello Daniel,

did you solve your problem? I have the same problem.

I tryed this:

type: button
name: Test Button
service: homematic.virtualkey
address: HmIP-RCV-1
channel: 26

But it not work :frowning:

Greetings Tobias

This might be the same / similar problem as reported here: Homematic.keypress giving inconsistent results

Hello tryan,

it works for me now. My code looks like this…

    - type: button
      name: Turn outside light off
      icon: mdi:lightbulb
          text: Are you sure?
        action: call-service
        service: homematic.virtualkey
          address: BidCoS-RF
          channel: 14
          param: PRESS_SHORT
      hold_action: none

Hope it works for you. I added a confirmation message, you may don’t want that

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Hello Daniel,

thanks that works!

Thanks for your help.

Greetings Tobias