Homematic warning HMGeneric.getValue: LOWBAT on NEQ0045950:1 Exception: <Fault -5: ‘Unknown parameter.’>


I have three Homematic indoor motion sensors (HM-Sec-MDIR-2) which constantly throwing the following error:

2019-04-14 16:16:37 WARNING (SyncWorker_6) [pyhomematic.devicetypes.generic] HMGeneric.getValue: LOWBAT on NEQxxxxxxx:1 Exception: <Fault -5: ‘Unknown parameter.’>

The divide shows up with the following attributes in the dev states list:

battery: High
error: No
rssi_peer: 0
rssi_device: -61
id: NEQxxxxxxx
interface: wireless
friendly_name: Wohnzimmer
device_class: motion

Looks like the battery state if detected?

Could you define constantly? The parameter should only be polled once during startup.

constantly here means reproducible on every startup. Since it is only a warning, can it be ignored?

Yes, then it can be ignored. There are some generic parameters for which values are fetched from the CCU on every startup. But not all devices have those parameters. Hence the warning message.

How do I interpret than the “battery: High” for this device? Is that accurate? The HM-Sec-MDIR-2 has a LOWBAT attribute (Homegear-HomeMaticBidCoS/misc/Device Description Files/rf_sec_mdir.xml at master · Homegear/Homegear-HomeMaticBidCoS · GitHub) on the maintenance channel 0. Is that used?

The state you see is accurate. Some devices have the parameter on different channels. Basically Home Assistant asks for the same parameter on different channels. And if a channel doesn’t have the parameter, it responds with the warning you are seeing. So everything is working. Warnings like these can pretty much always be ignored if they happen during startup. If they keep popping up after startup, then it’s a problem.