HomematicIP Button Card behaving differently

Hi all,

I noticed a problem with entity cards
Since one of the last updates.
I have configured a virtual switch on my CCU3 which closes all shades at once per floor. Directly on the CCU webinterface it works fine.
But on the Dashboard I have some Button Cards. Some of them work, like expected (short tip and the shades go down, marked as OK in the screenshot)
Others behave strange. The open the overview properties first and only ther you can hit the “press” button. Also an example is attached
Can anyone explain me the reason for this and help to to solve. My goal is the behavior it had before. Clicking the Button card, accept the action directly without this extra step via the properties menu


can you share / show the configuration of these buttons?
When they open the properties it is probably the setting for the tip / hold action that might be wrong…?!


But it could also somehow related to the entity itself they are linked to… hard to tell without any further information… “debuging” based on Screenshots is always difficult.

Hi CChris,

thanks for the hint. I have changed the “Tip action” from “Default action” to “Switch (Umschalten)”. I had this set at some, that’s why not all behaved the same way.
This is how I have it now:


One question on top. What is meant by “Default action (Standardaktion)”, where is this set?