HomematicIP devices don't refresh

Hi everyone,

i’m running a fresh Homeassistant (core on ubuntu) and already managed to add most of my devices.
But one integration is not working as expected: I have a lot of HomematicIP(Accesspoint) stuff and Homeassistant found all of them.
Now i created a few dashboard for weather and heating and i noticed that it doesnt seem to get updated (like outside temp). If i refresh the HmIP-Integtration then it also updates the current outside-temp.

the logs show:
Error connecting to HomematicIP with HAP 3014F711A00003DA499EB709. Retrying in 16 seconds 14:00:08 – (FEHLER) HomematicIP Cloud - Die Nachricht ist zum ersten Mal um 27. April 2022, 16:19:59 aufgetreten und erscheint 342 mal wait_for() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loop' 14:00:08 – (FEHLER) /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.10/site-packages/homematicip/aio/connection.py - Die Nachricht ist zum ersten Mal um 27. April 2022, 16:19:59 aufgetreten und erscheint 342 mal

Do you have any tips or hints where to look?


I’m having the same problem and errors with a fresh install of Home Assistant Core on Ubuntu 22.04 and Python 3.10. Removing and adding the Integration has not solved it.

Same problem here still. (Status of homematicip devices in HA it’s not updated unless HA is restarted and then all devices get 1 status update)
I’m on Home Assistant 2022.9.5 and Python 3.9.10
Did anyone manage to fix this issue ?