Can confirm that this works!!
How fast does the temperature update? Wondering if it can be used as a near realtime temp sensor for the heater in my kids room.
It updates every 5 mins
This is really great work from you and contributors, I may try this over the holidays since I have a few HomePods coming over Christmas.
However I will hold off on calling this a full solution for the hopes that something a little easier is figured out that doesn’t include the risk on editing HA core config_entries.
It looks like your Value to Send
isn’t set correctly.
I never got this to work, I think the shortcut doesnt really “install” correctly.
I had to manually remove and add the same components for it to trigger.
Might take another shot at this later on.
just integrated this with 4 HomePods Mini unter Home Assistant 2023.12.13 with your example Config. Works like a charm, thanks for the tutorial and details
Alternative / workaround:
Strange, mine has been rock solid. I only have one HomePod however.
Hi @gcamp ,
Thank you so much for this tutorial,
Python Homekit is running well, i have my homePod device ID with the discover command.
I have one question. In order to run the KeychainTool, you said that we need an Developper account, i have a free one; is that why I have that error?
Fetching [email protected]:pvieito/FoundationKit.git
warning: 'foundationkit': skipping cache due to an error: Failed to clone repository [email protected]:pvieito/FoundationKit.git:
Cloning into bare repository '/Users/XXX/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm/repositories/FoundationKit-339fcdc0'...
[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).
If the answer is true, can I use the and of someone else? juste for cloning de repository.
Thanks. I can’t wait for success!
It is working better now!
I succeeded in obtaining everything we need.
I added that entry to core.config_entries
"entry_id": "zb2e836e713fb05116ca5ce0f4dcdd92",
"version": 1,
"minor_version": 1,
"domain": "homekit_controller",
"title": "HomePod mini",
"data": {
"AccessoryPairingID": "D7:BD:0D:3D:02:74",
"AccessoryLTPK": "6f0219b550e0b30b9beafa9fbd679f592ccd0e77c2bd821a299732e35f443898",
"iOSPairingId": "4951F4CE-A8C2-4F1C-A0E5-03400E81789C",
"iOSDeviceLTSK": "79966b92ba1297e25f27b58348082682f51ecbf352ce9f1485159370fc0af644",
"iOSDeviceLTPK": "952c6e7b5dd7cb1e135319e06b0e95418a87ef17067591c034b08f8dfaaa5d50",
"AccessoryIP": "",
"AccessoryPort": 53033,
"Connection": "IP",
"AccessoryIPs": [
"options": {},
"pref_disable_new_entities": false,
"pref_disable_polling": false,
"source": "zeroconf",
"unique_id": "d7:bd:0d:3d:02:74",
"disabled_by": null
But the entity shows “configuration failed”
There is some logs :
2024-01-25 19:05:04.282 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry HomePod mini Salon for homekit_controller
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 406, in async_setup
result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/", line 44, in async_setup_entry
await conn.async_setup()
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/", line 283, in async_setup
await self.pairing.async_populate_accessories_state(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/ip/", line 416, in async_populate_accessories_state
await self.list_accessories_and_characteristics()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/ip/", line 179, in list_accessories_and_characteristics
await self._ensure_connected()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/ip/", line 142, in _ensure_connected
await connection.ensure_connection()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/ip/", line 337, in ensure_connection
await asyncio.shield(self._connector)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/", line 40, in _handle_task_result
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/ip/", line 639, in _reconnect
return await self._connect_once()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/ip/", line 747, in _connect_once
request, expected = state_machine.send(response)
Thanks in advance for your help.
Is there an instruction for a non-technical user to get this running?
@gcamp @Nycco I am trying to install my HomePod mini directly. Any idea how to resolve the following errors? I am using my friend’s developer account. He made me as admin and signed my developer id for me.
CODESIGNKIT_DEFAULT_IDENTITY="Apple Development: name (xxxx)" swift run KeychainTool -g
Building for debugging...
[1/1] Write swift-version--58304C5D6DBC2206.txt
Build complete! (0.08s)
[>] Signing executable at “/Users/danielng/projects/KeychainKit/.build/arm64-apple-macosx/debug/KeychainTool” with entitlements “/Users/danielng/projects/KeychainKit/KeychainTool/KeychainTool.entitlements” (force: true)…
/Users/danielng/projects/KeychainKit/.build/arm64-apple-macosx/debug/KeychainTool: replacing existing signature
Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development: name (xxxxxx)"
/Users/danielng/projects/KeychainKit/.build/arm64-apple-macosx/debug/KeychainTool: errSecInternalComponen
Seems to be a code sining issue that’s not really related to the problem of this thread. Seems some users had success on fixing this issue here
Thank you so much for the thread! I finally managed to resolve it and add my HomePod mini into my HA! For anyone interested, I have to add a Apple cert. into my keychain
Excerpt from the thread
Download the latest cert through link below, and double click to add to keychain
Does this mean you pay the $98.99/year? I have downloaded Betas early which I thought used some sort of “Developer” terminology, but entering:
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
0 valid identities found
Hi @gcamp
Thanks so much for this write up! I feel like I’m very close to getting the key for my HomePod Mini but it’s not quite there yet. When I run the swift run command I get the following:
user1@MacBookPro KeychainKit % swift run KeychainTool -g
Building for debugging...
[1/1] Write swift-version--58304C5D6DBC2206.txt
Build of product 'KeychainTool' complete! (0.70s)
[>] Signing executable at “/Users/user1/KeychainKit/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/debug/KeychainTool” with entitlements “/Users/user1/KeychainKit/KeychainTool/KeychainTool.entitlements” (force: true)…
error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
[x] Process terminated with failure (termination status code: 1)
Any idea why it’s not being found in the keychain?