HomePods slow to play TTS / media

I have a few HomePods (original and mini) and they all seem to be very slow to play TTS and other local media - it will take 8-10 seconds from the time I press say/play (or via automation).

I’ve tested the Nabu Casa TTS and Google. But even playing a wav had the same result.

Using HA to control the HomePod (play/pause, volume, etc) is instant though.

Anyone else seeing this? Any ideas for what to check?

It is a known issue and will be improved when next major OS update comes to the HomePod (tvOS 17). Alternatively you upgrade to the beta.

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Thanks Pierre! A little while after posting here I did come across the issue on github as well.
I tested updating some HomePods to tvOS/iOS 17 and can confirm the lag is much more reasonable now (3-4 seconds).

For some reason I can’t get the OG HomePod to show up in the “HomePod Beta Updates” interface, so for now I’ve only been able to update the minis.