Homeseer HSM200 LED doesn't work properly with gui color picker dialog - it's always white - bug?

I’ve got an HSM200 z-wave multi-sensor, which I understand is a re-badged EXMultiPli or something like that. When I try to turn the LED on to a particular color (a nice deep yellow, e.g.) from the main Overview page or the device info page using the color picker, it only turns on white. Same thing if I create a scene, again using the color picker dialog. When I activate the scene for yellow indicator LED, it come on white.

So I searched the forum a little, and everyone who had automations that used the HSM200 (or EZM) would set the color as RGB. So I edited the scene created with the GUI scene editor and the color picker and then found this in the YAML:

id: "1737735787803"
name: HS200 Yellow
      - hs
    color_mode: hs
    brightness: 255
      - 45.738
      - 47.843
      - 255
      - 226
      - 133
      - 0.429
      - 0.421
    friendly_name: "EZM "
    supported_features: 32
    state: "on"

Well, that’s obviously using HS to set the color, not RGB. So I directly edited the YAML to use rgb instead:

id: "1737735787803"
name: HS200 Yellow
      - rgb
    color_mode: rgb
    brightness: 255
      - 45.738
      - 47.843
      - 255
      - 226
      - 133
      - 0.429
      - 0.421
    friendly_name: "EZM "
    supported_features: 32
    state: "on"

Doesn’t work. LED still comes on white, not yellow. :confused:

Read the forum some more and found some comments about the rbg values being on or off only. 0 is off, anything else is on, no shades. So maybe setting RGB to 255:226:133 was just turning on all the LEDs full power and therefore I get white instead of yellow. I edited the YAML again, this time setting RGB to 1:1:0:

id: "1737735787803"
name: HS200 Yellow
      - rgb
    color_mode: rgb
    brightness: 255
      - 45.738
      - 47.843
      - 1
      - 1
      - 0
      - 0.429
      - 0.421
    friendly_name: "EZM "
    supported_features: 32
    state: "on"
     ...snip again...

I applied the scene again, and it’s yellow. Not the nice deep yellow I picked, but yellow.

I think this should count as a bug because:

  1. The color picker uses HS mode for the HSM200 which doesn’t seem to work
  2. I would be almost impossible to pick a color on the color picker where one or two of the RGB values would be zero. And if they’re all 1 or greater they’re just ON, so the only color one could possibly choose with the GUI picker is effectively white.

So, should I file this as a bug report? Any suggestions on extra info I should add if I do?

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