HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

Please open an issue on GitHub (here) we will figure out what is wrong there :wink:

Hi everyone,

I recently acquired a P1 meter + P1 Watermeter from HomeWizard.
I also installed Home Assistant in my old Synology via Docker.
I have been reading this Thread from TOP Down and I really like the dashboard from @Fabian_V!!!
I tried to copy the code configuration.yaml into my Home Assistant 2022.11.4
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest, but it doesn’t work.
Can you help me with how the Dashboard from Fabian can be set up?
I apologize in advance for my newbie request.

I will come back to you, as there are quite some changes done in HA that broke some things

Looks great! Can you share your code?

As of Home Assistant 2022.12, a few new features have been added for the Energy Socket. These features are currently being rolled out to the devices via a OTA-update, most of them will be added to other devices in the future.

  • You now can press ‘Identify’ to find a device. It will blink the LED for a few seconds.
  • You can control the status light brightness directly from Home Assistant.
  • You can now disable the cloud connection. This function will stop all communication with the HomeWizard cloud (so it will not be able to communicate with the app). This feature was added because users blocked the connection in a firewall. The socket started flashing red to indicate that it is having connection issues. Now you can disable/block the cloud connection without this problem.

Your socket must be at version 3.01 or higher. They are updated automatically and we expect all sockets to be updated within two weeks. Please do not contact HomeWizard support to ask them to update, they cannot do that.

I hope you all like these features! I like to hear if / how this is implemented. I’m also working hard to improve error reporting for connection issues, but that PR is still in review.


Maybe a nice thing for Belgium users;

How I started 3 months ago

Screenshot 2022-12-14 at 22.34.55

How it’s going

Very happy with the insights I now have for my home’s resources, devices and their usages. I’m anticipating the 2023 energy issues in my country with more knowledge and know-how to keep our bills as small as possible. Good luck and much fun everybody with this great Home Assistant Energy Dashboard.

A big shout out to all Home Assistant and all developers and users feedback!

Happy Holidays. :sunglasses:


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I had exactly the same issues as you - in HA everything unavailable. Nothing I could see in the log - the app was working fine, dongle had a solid green light. I tried reinstalling in HA but kept getting errors. I then tried installing a backup in HA but that made no difference. Eventually, I disconnected the dongle for a few seconds and plugged it back in - and voila everything now works again. I have no idea what was going on but might be a help to others.

I have a similar problem, dont want to crosspost, but as a reference it is this one Homewizard watermeter and socket not available - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Is this the same problem, but then not just of the P1 device ? But 4 different homewizard devices I have.
Do I need to log an issue in github somewhere?

I had a quick question. I’m using the HomeWizard sockets, but my current power always has decimals behind its wattage. Is there a way to see a full rounded amount of watts?

Create a ‘Helper’ with the config below:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your helper entities.

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Is this something that can be added to the P1 meter as well?
Or does blocking the internet connection work for it? (It did for the first 24 hours for me then I lost the connection to HA and the app)

We are working on that :wink:

But until then, you should just be able to block the connection via a firewall. The P1 meter starts blinking red but the API should just work. The app stops working, obviously.

Hello, where must this file (config) be placed in or copieet to , i am new in home assistant and try to understand the dashboards.

Many thanks! for any help…

Those graphs and metrics are awesome, can you point to some resources on how you set those up? I’m especially interested in the self consumed solar energy and energy distribution metrics.

Hi there, since about 2 weeks I have a Homewizard P1 meter in use. I am very pleased with it and I run scripts and automations to monitor my quarter hourly peak consumption (important in Belgium nowadays). But every day (at a random time) the meter stops sending data to home assistant (entity state becomes ‘unavailable’). It makes home assistant lock up, meaning other sensors still work, but I am not able to run add-ons and most importantly when this happens: I am not able to restart home assistant anymore. A hard reset is the only way to recover from this by power cycling the raspberry pi. Unfortunately I can of course only do this when I am at home. The firmware the P1 meter is running is version 3.02.
Is there someone out there who experiences the same thing? I don’t know how to resolve this.
Any help will be appreciated!

@M31Galaxy15287, please open an issue at GitHub - Home Assistant Core and fill in as much details as possible.

Hi DCSBL, I just did… I don’t have a log prior the power cycle of the rPI.

Sorry for my late reply, thanks for the compliment but its the HA automation creating it.

Here’s my list of resources I use in the Energy Dashboard Settings:

Electricity grid

Grid consumption
P1 meter - Total power import T1
P1 meter - Total power import T2

Return to grid
P1 meter - Total power export T1
P1 meter - Total power export T2

Grid carbon footprint
CO2 Signal

Solar Panels

Solar production
Solaredge I1 AC Energy kWh

Home Battery Storage

Battery systems

Gas Consumption

Gas consumption
P1 meter - Total gas

Water Consumption

Water consumption
Watermeter - Total water usage

Individual devices

All Energy Socket Meters I have installed in my household are listed here.

Good luck creating your own dashboard.


I’s comes with Home Wizzard as a payed subscripton (2,99 mth).
The info is available in HA