HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

DOH :smiley:

that was embarrassing :smiley:


they are custom created… like here: HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter) - #87 by Plaatjesdraaier and here: HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter) - #112 by Plaatjesdraaier

I am new to the HomeWizzard Meter sensors. I bought a Watermeter, does anyone know how I can set the value in Home Assistant so it matches the actual Watermeter? Using HomeWizard it started from “0”.
Thanks in advance!

i didn’t try it but you could try using the service Utility Meter: Calibrate you can find that at the services tab in developer tools. and select you homewizard total water usage and change the value. here some documentation Utility Meter - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

Personally, I have set up utility meters for daily, monthly, etc. water consumption, but I noticed that the one I set for total consumption was not accurate. Sometimes, the meter disconnects from HA and misses some updates of the total water usage sensor.
So, to match the physical water meter, I have set up a template sensor with its value = total water usage sensor + index at the moment I have installed the HomeWizard one. I’ll check in a couple of months whether the figures still match.

Hi All,
As a newbe I’ve just added some HomeWizard P1 meterings to the Energy dashboard, but it seems like import and export are treated wrong, it seems as if used power is visible as uploaded power.
Any ides what I’ve done wrong?

these are the settings I used:

please allow me to jump in on that screenshot, hope the fellow HA members would have the same question as I do:
How to re-create these nice graphs in HA. Not a HomeWizard user myself, I do find them very very nice to look at, and find them very clear.
Hence I posted an earlier effort to do the same in HA, but have no success just yet recreating this:


hope any of you can help me out, thx!

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export equals “from home to net”, so this should be “Teruglevering”
import equals “from net to home”, so this should be “Netverbruik”

Swap these in your configuration :wink:

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Hi Bart,
You reversed the import and export.
Import is your consumption (netverbruik) and export is what you give back to the grid (teruglevering)

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woops :wink: i’ve just switched them, now the metering seems better, but the total meter on the right is still confused (purple is exported power, blue is imported power …)

Moved, wrong thread

This is a topic about the HomeWizard P1 meter, I think you can better ask this somewere else :wink:

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Thanks you are right ofcourse, moved.


When i boot my home assistant, my p1 meter shows up every boot as “discovered” but when i try to set it up, i keep getting the error “onverwachte fout”

Does anyone know what i can try next?
It shows the correct mac address and ip, but its impossible to use.

I had a firmwire update on the P1 meter, and i toggled the api on in the app.

Last week everything worked fine but i cant use it anymore.

Thanks in advance!!

The log file showed this:

Logger: homeassistant.components.homewizard.config_flow
Source: components/homewizard/config_flow.py:145
Integration: HomeWizard Energy (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 03:34:49 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 03:34:49

Unexpected or no response

Try to power cycle your P1 meter. There is a known issue that old, not correctly closed connections are not closed by the P1 meter. This causes new connections to be rejected. This issue will be fixed soon.

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Thank you for your answer. I took the device out of the p1 port and waited 5 minutes before replugging it, but the problem is not solved. Thanks for your feedback!

UPDATE: without any cause, suddenly it works. I repeated the steps, over and over again and now it works! Thank you very much! Now i can go read and figure out how to combine L1 en L2 etc but i will find this in topics above :slight_smile:

thanks again!

a question, I use the sidebar-card for a menu structure, I cannot call the energy dashboard from a menu option, can I use the cards from the energy dashboard in my own dashboard and also Can I change the theme?

Update: I found the documentation for this. thanks

The core team added support for tracking water usage in the energy dashboard, and the HomeWizard watermeter is supported already. Very nice!


yes, that’s possible.

You can use them in any dashboard just by adding a manual card and then use the following:


type: energy-date-selection

For the “Flow”-Graph

type: energy-distribution

for the Statistic-Graph:

type: energy-usage-graph

You can also add “title: …” to the cards.

there are also other cards, but I don’t have in mind how they are called… somewhere’s a documentation- but I don’t have the link on hand