HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

I have been using DSMR Reader for a long time to store my P1 readings. I want to continue using DSMR Reader to store the Homewizard P1 meter readings.

Question: instead of polling the Homewizard P1 meter for a telegram, is there a way that the P1 meter pushes the telegram to an endpoint? It would be very cool that the P1 meter calls an endpoint every time a new telegram is available.

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Ah DSMR reader that thing outside Home Assistant. I was confused with the DSMR integration.

is there a way that the P1 meter pushes the telegram to an endpoint?

No. You have to poll the API.

DSMR Slimme Meter - Home Assistant requires a USB cable between the Home Assistant computer and the smart meter, or serial to network proxies. A USB cable is not easy when your computer is not in the “meterkast” and serial to network proxies must be self built. With the Homewizard P1 meter I can connect with TCP/IP, which is much easier for me to maintain and I do not need to buy additional hardware / maintain Raspberry Pis

I just received solar panels today so and i was happy to know that it works home assistant.
But i am confused i see 2 different meters.
One for solar panels and the other for stedin net.
I put it in stedin one.
Mine questions are.

  1. Wich one should i better put p1 meter homewizard
  2. Which one these shows how much solar has been charged today
  3. And how much is used today solarcharge.

I added some picture maybe for better understanding and showing wich one is wich.

It seems you got a smart meter for your main connection and a seperate one for your solar panels. Connect the P1 Meter the Stedin smart meter as this measures what you are billed for. For extra insights it should be possible to add a second P1 Meter to the other smart meter. Maybe that will give some nice graphs!

I found a weird behaviour with most of my HW sensors in HA (running on a RPI 4).

Regularly, and apparently every time there are loss of connection (wifi reboot e.g.), some sensors in HA report outliers data in the Energy dashboard. It happens with connected sockets (there are 12 of them) and the water sensor.

It requires to go the Development - Statistics and correct them manually (had to do it for 4 of them today).

Has anyone any idea if this is an integration bug I need to report or something in my own configuration ? Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I just got my HomeWizard P1 meter and working on the HA integration.

I see two devices in the integration: the P1 meter and the water meter. There is no trace of the gas meter. The gas meter is visible in the HomeWizard app and I can also find it in the diagnotic info in HA:

       "total_gas_m3": 1264.821,
        "gas_timestamp": "2024-07-21T12:14:41",
        "gas_unique_id": "**REDACTED**",
        "active_liter_lpm": null,
        "total_liter_m3": null,
        "external_devices": {
          "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000": {
            "unique_id": "**REDACTED**",
            "meter_type": {
              "__type": "<enum 'DeviceType'>",
              "repr": "<DeviceType.WATER_METER: 7>"
            "value": 45.545,
            "unit": "m3",
            "timestamp": "2024-07-21T12:15:00"

So there’s a device type of water meter but no device type of gas meter. But it does seem to send the total_gas_m3 in the diagnotics json (the value is correct) but there’s no HA sensor value matching with this.

How do I get HA to see the gas meter?

Which Home Assistant version are you using?

HA version 2024.5.4

Update to the latest version, then please try again. This should be have been fixed since 2024.6

Indeed it is fixed. Silly me thinking my version was still current enough :grinning:

It looks like this integration will be very useful.

Up :slight_smile:
(this concerns Homeward sockets. Occurs at every wifi AP reboot, some of the plug records show outliers in the Energy dashboard)

Hi Guys,
I have 1 P1 meter, 3 KwH meters and 1 socket running with home assistant and am very happy with this setup. I am now moving all my “IOT” devices into a separate vlan.

I now need to change the IP addresses of all Homewizard devices, this can be done through the Energy app, but I am worried what will happen with the devices in HA ? It will probably not find them anymore if the IP changes ?
I have a lot of other sensors and templates depending on some of the entities, so I would like to avoid to have to rename all of them plus I also don’t wont to lose the energy history that has been kept since 2-3 years.

Another question, my HA and the Homewizard devices won’t be in the same subnet anymore, can this still work with the integration ? I have a Firewall (Fortinet) so can allow to open necessary ports.

Thanks in advance for your advice !

Great info. I’m looking to find a way to predict if I’ll be going over for example 6KW in the next 15 min based on for example the last 3 minutes of data. (To automatically reduce for example the amount of A used by my car charger…)
Any thoughts on how to achieve this?

How can we get all the data that is on api/v1/telegram to HA? Currently, P1 just sends the data from api/v1/data.


I’ve issues to synchronize P1 with HA but in the Energy app from Home wizard everything is OK.

My issue seems very similar to this one 87432 which is supposed to be closed. I’ve tried to power off 5 min and plug it again, it works when I plug it then stops.

My P1 meter has SW5.19 (says no update availble for firmware) and my HA is on the latest core version 2024.11.0.

@DCSBL any idea what can be wrong ?

I’m connected over WiFi with a quite poor connection but as data on the Energy app is OK it should be OK in HA no ?

I’m in Switzerland if it can have any impact.

Thank you in advance

Does anyone have any idea why both of my tarrifs are not showing? I can only see T2. This is the data from diagnostics:

      "data": {
        "wifi_ssid": "**REDACTED**",
        "wifi_strength": 74,
        "smr_version": null,
        "meter_model": "ISKRA 2M551T-200",
        "unique_meter_id": "**REDACTED**",
        "active_tariff": null,
        "total_energy_import_kwh": 5365.081,
        "total_energy_import_t1_kwh": 2182.155,
        "total_energy_import_t2_kwh": 3182.926,
        "total_energy_import_t3_kwh": null,
        "total_energy_import_t4_kwh": null,

I have sum, t1 and t2. But in HA I can only see the sum and T2, not T1:

"total_energy_import_kwh": 5365.081,
"total_energy_import_t1_kwh": 2182.155,
"total_energy_import_t2_kwh": 3182.926,


You may have the same issue as found here: Missing value HomeWizard P1 total_power_import_t1_kwh · Issue #133379 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Do you have my any change disabled ‘export’ totals?

Yes this is exactly the same issue that user is having. I have replied to the topic. No idea where or how to “disable ‘export’ totals” or every why this is needed.

Edit: Oh sorry. I see you are same author. I wrote more details to the Github ticket. For sure this is a bug. I have two tarrif. Low and high. And both produce values which are then summed. Only input, not export. So this should be correctly displayed in integration.

Who can help me with this? I have solar panels. I would like to know my current net consumption (kW). As far as I know, the P1 meter shows the export/import consumption.

I have 2 sensors:

A) sensor.solar_invertor_current_power (kW)
B) sensor.p1_meter_actueel_vermogen (current power consumption, kW)

Situation 1 The Sun production is bigger than my consumption
A-B = (current power consumption, kW)

Situation 2 My consumption is bigger than my sun production
B-A = (current power consumption, kW)

I have created 2 template sensors
A-B = (current power consumption, kW)
B-A = (current power consumption, kW)

The P1 meter can have “negative” current power consumption when the inventor produces more energy than my house uses.
How can I create 1 sensor for both situations?