HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

can you please share the code?
I want to display just that but i cant seem to make it work

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Thanks, i have solar panels but i dont know how to set it up.

Wich parameter should i use for solar panels? I have SMA Solar but i cant configure it.

@Emacee, The missing sensors are planned to be added to the normal API in the future. These will be added to the integration when they are available.

I won’t use the telegram API, as it is incompatible with the kWh meter and Energy socket.


when i click the link it asks to install HomeWizard. When I install it, it says ‘could not load config flow’. I also cannot find HomeWizard when i add an integration…

Hi @christiaanzwll,

Make sure your Home Assistant installation is up-to-date. The integration is added in Home Assistant 2022.2

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Solved. Works like a charm now.

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Just moved from the HACS version to the Core version (2022.2.6) and have the below issue. There is a parameter clientsession in de call that seems to be not part of the aiohwenergy library (aiohwenergy · PyPI). Do I need a specific version of this library?

2022-02-14 12:03:05 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry P1 meter (3c39e728dc6a) for homewizard
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 327, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homewizard/__init__.py", line 70, in async_setup_entry
    coordinator = Coordinator(hass, entry.data[CONF_IP_ADDRESS])
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homewizard/coordinator.py", line 34, in __init__
    self.api = aiohwenergy.HomeWizardEnergy(host, clientsession=session)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'clientsession'

Restart Home Assistant :slight_smile:

Tl;dr: The HACS version uses an older version of aiohwenergy, the Core version sometimes tries to use that one. After a reboot is should solve itself.

Please let me know if that is not the case. It should just work but maybe I have to tweak something

Already did some restarts.

It seems that it was still using the aiohwenergy 0.4.0 version. So, I removed the aiohwenergy folders from ./deps/lib/python3.9/site-packages. After restarting HA it now seems to work.



Until today the P1 meter worked fine, but now i have added 3x the Energy socket and suddenly i get an error.
In the energy diagram, the P1 meter stopped working and they all give this kind of message :

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.frame
Source: helpers/frame.py:103
First occurred: 17:12:23 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:12:23

Detected integration that accessed discovery_info[‘0’] instead of discovery_info.0; this will fail in version 2022.6. Please report issue to the custom component author for homewizard_energy using this method at custom_components/homewizard_energy/config_flow.py, line 63: “host” not in discovery_info

I really have no clue what to do ?

This is an issue solved a while ago.
Please update the custom (hacs) component and use the official integration. This will migrate all settings to core.

pffffff…I thought I already had the official integration🙈
Thanks !

I added this to my configuration.yaml :

Example configuration.yaml Energy entry

source: sensor.p1_meter_3c39e724f134_active_power
name: Daily Electro
cycle: daily
source: sensor.p1_meter_3c39e724f134_active_power
name: Monthly Electro
cycle: monthly
source: sensor.p1_meter_3c39e724f134_active_power
name: Yearly Electro
cycle: yearly

Althought the value of 'sensor.p1_meter_3c39e724f134_active_power is sometime negative due to solar energie, the daily value of the utility meter is always positive.

Please advise. How can I get a meter showing the daily, monthly and yearly consumed energy from my energy company. so inclusive the minus solar energy pushed back to the energy supplier.

@musicscore, you are using ‘active power’ for the utility meter. That is not going to work :).
Try to use power_import and power_export.

You can also use the build in Energy dashboard.


I have a P1 meter, but can’t see the voltage sensor. (should be 3 because I have 3 lines/fases). They are under 32.70, 52.70 and 72.70 on my digital meter.

This feature is under development. I will keep you posted.

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Hi Fabian,

Your config is really awesome, but 1 question here:
Say the Energy-low rate is 0.34 Euro-cent/kwh, how do you get that reflected back into the Entities Card? Where do you enter the value of 0.34?
Can you please elaborate this a bit?

Thnx a million

those are done in the input configuration:

## input_number             ##

    name: Stroom import nomaal
    mode: box
    min: 0
    max: 100
    unit_of_measurement: "€/kWh"
    icon: mdi:currency-eur

    name: Stroom import dal
    mode: box
    min: 0
    max: 100
    unit_of_measurement: "€/kWh"
    icon: mdi:currency-eur

    name: Gas
    mode: box
    min: 0
    max: 100
    unit_of_measurement: "€/m3"
    icon: mdi:currency-eur

Then you can make a card, and give input on the tarifs

type: entities
  - entity: input_number.t2_energy_cost
  - entity: input_number.t1_energy_cost
  - entity: input_number.gas_energy_cost
title: Tarieven

Awesome… thank you for the explanation!!

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