HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

Hi Fabian,

Not sure why I get this message…
Seems it does not want to accept a 0.34 value, only whole value’s seem to be allowed as input.
Any idea how I can change that?

my card-code:

type: vertical-stack

  • type: gauge
    entity: sensor.p1_meter_3c39e72a2ff8_active_power_l1
    max: 5000
    name: Actueel verbruik
    min: -5000
    green: 600
    yellow: 2000
    red: 3000
  • type: entities
    • entity: input_number.t1_energy_cost
    • entity: input_number.t2_energy_cost
  • chart_type: line
    period: 5minute
    days_to_show: 30
    type: statistics-graph
    • sensor.p1_meter_3c39e72a2ff8_active_power
    • mean
  • type: glance
    • entity: sensor.energy_import_total_dagelijks_eur
    • entity: sensor.energy_import_total_wekelijks_eur
    • entity: sensor.energy_import_total_maandelijks_eur

the “inputcode” in my configuration.yaml
(taken 1 on 1 from yours)




name: Stroom import nomaal
mode: box
min: 0
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: “€/kWh”
icon: mdi:currency-eur

name: Stroom import dal
mode: box
min: 0
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: “€/kWh”
icon: mdi:currency-eur

Never mind…

Adding step to the input_number config solved it for me:

name: Stroom import nomaal
mode: box
min: 0
max: 100
step: 0.01
unit_of_measurement: “€/kWh”
icon: mdi:currency-eur

name: Stroom import dal
mode: box
min: 0
max: 100
step: 0.01
unit_of_measurement: “€/kWh”
icon: mdi:currency-eur

you need to check if the , (comma) is working, I have a . (point) as input number

Does de P1 meter reset at 10.00 pm? This happens every day.


Is it planned to include the new watermeter as well?
Quite sure I would buy it if integrated in HA…

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Of course :wink:

The watermeter is added to the API documentation and most of the things for this addition are ready and tested. I hope I have everything completed soon to open a PR so that the watermeter can be used in version 2022.8, just before they are shipped!


Impressive, thanks!

Hello, would you happen to know if this water meter is compatible?:

On the webpage I can see Itron, Elster or Sensus as being compatible, but there is no reference to the model. Since I have another brand installed (quite old), I plan to add a second water meter (see the picture), but I would like to be sure of the compatibility before anything.
Thanks for the great work! The P1 works just great and the integration with the ha is very well executed.

That is something for HomeWizard Support, please ask it there (the chat icon on the bottom right on the website)

Thanks for the compliment :heart_hands:

Great! I just asked them, they say it is compatible.

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@jvbragt : Just checked, but mine seems to be updating hourly just fine… local issue ?

@DCSBL : Today I received the kWh meter as a replacement for the pulse counter + HomeWizard Energy link I had installed since 2013 :slight_smile: … kinda replacing the HomeWizard with HA, sorry !

Installing went smooth, only for me to mess up the input/output wiring causing the App (setup for Solar) not to register energy ‘production’ … so after an easy switching the wires it looks great. (a mention in the install leaflet would be nice.)
Tonight I wanted to see if I can connect to HA but noticed that currently its connected to my WiFi SSID using a DHCP address … Ideally I want all these types of devices to have a fixed IP address outside the dhcp scope, any way to set this up ? (I don’t think the current Ziggo router supports IP assignment based on MAC addresses)
Thx ! Richard

No worries! The ‘old’ HomeWizard is +10 years old, technology needs to be replaced :). Nice to see you choose for a HomeWizard device again… :wink:

This is mentioned as basic installation instruction. But maybe we can make it more cleare somehow. Thanks for the feedback!

All basic routers should have something to assign fixed IP addresses. I remember you can select something like ‘advanced settings’ or something. Then just powercycle your meter. The kWh meter does not support any other IP configuration than DHCP.

Thanks, I will look into the DHCP issue and see if I can fix that with the Ziggo router.
To follow up : should the kWh meter automatically be visible on the Energy Dashboard ? Or do I need to manually add that ? (maybe a noob question, sorry)

Yes, after adding the meter to Home Assistant, you need to add the meter to the dashboard (via settings → dashboards)

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Worked like a charm, thx !!

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The P1-meter and kwh-meter were working very well until I discovered that they weren’t recognized by HA anymore since about 2:30PM in the afternoon. Nothing had changed and both devices are online and in the HomeWizard Energy app show recent information.
When trying to re-add them and entering the (fixed) ip-address I get ‘unexpected error’. Now it’s impossible to monitor the energy-usage anymore. What can have caused this, and better: how to solve? I was on 2022.6.7 on Docker. (upgraded 2 days ago) and tried with the latest dev 2022.8.something, but same issue.
And local API is enabled in HomeWizard app

Try to power-cycle your P1 meter :wink:

I did, didn’t solve it. Powercycling the kwhmeter is a bit more tricky.

A few things;

To give a bit more context for my last post. There is an known issue that the Energy devices do not handle an unclosed API connection properly. If this occurs to many times the device won’t accept any new connection, but this should be solved by a reboot. Try to see if this is the case by going to http://<ip_address>/api. You should see valid JSON and no error.

Both devices are lost at the same time. That indicates to me that is is not related to the device but to your network or Home Assistant so we can rule the previous idea out. Can you check if your installation is not changed somehow (like a Docker update that blocks some traffic or a (new) router setting)? You also can try the same API endpoint to see if the device is reachable from that installation.

You also mention HA 2022.8. Are you sure? The latest is 2022.7, i’ve tested this version a moment ago and I see no issues. Configuring and fetching data just works fine. Can you see something in the log for the unexpected error message?