HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

Is your separate network accessible from the network where your NAS is?

If I want to replace my USB P1 cable for the homewizzard P1 Meter do I lose my old measurements?

Yes it is, I have no issues adding for example my Tado thermostats which are living in the same VLAN as the P1 meter.

I’m pretty sure you won’t lose historical data because as far as I know, the data is being stored at HomeEnergy.

Thank you, there’s only one way to find out…
I will order one when I’m home from vacation.

I’m thinking about ordering the HomeWizard P1. But here comes the challenge.

I have Frank Energie with variable prices per hour (electricity) and prices per day (gas). Can I connect those 2 together? I have sensors with current prices.

Heads-up: I’m a HA noob; just started last week and learning a lot.

Yes, you can select dynamic pricing in the energy dashboard settings and use the P1 meter for the actual usage.

I experienced this and can say: yes! There is a bypass to it. You simply add the Homewizard and keep your old entities (they probably don’t generate any data). It’s not the prettiest solution but works for me. When I removed the old cable from Homeassistant I lost all Energy data in retrospect. See screenshot attached. The top 2 entities are my old P1 cable.

Thank you, I will try out tomorrow when I’m back from holiday.

I now have the P1 Meter, 3 Energy Sockets, a Water meter and a kWh meter.
But I can’t add the kWh meter to the Energy dashboard. I can only choose the Power Import.
I don’t think that’s right as it measures my solar panels.
Schermafbeelding 2022-08-25 om 20.04.20

Maybe power export is disabled?

I don’t know what you mean.
I had no problems with the pv output sensor.
But now I can’t choose for the export.

In the homewizard app I can also see the measures

I mean, do you have this option in the device configuration?

Here you can enable export. Export is disabled by default if export was “0.000” during installation.

Ah! That did the trick. Thank you!

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Does anyone want to share sensors for the watermeter in HA? I allready configurated (through the integration) it and the watermeter works in HA, but just the total.
I would like to see water used today, yesterday, last week etc.

You can configure a “utility meter”-helper from the UI. Just go to settings > devices > helpers and add how many you like.


First time user of HASS and just read about your dashboard. In which config file do i add this?

Also im trying to create something by my self. How did you create the boxes with the labels “Algemeen” “Kosten energie” “Elektriciteit” “gasverbruik”? If i choose vertical stack, i cant seem to find something like a label box?


I installed the home wizard p1 meter, and I think it worked great in the beginning, but now it only puts data in t2 (night tariff) both for import and export?

Most places use night/low/‘dal’ tariff in the weekend :wink:


Where do you get the sensors for the cost?
I use Homewizard and only have the total power for the t1, t2 and gas.