HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

I think you are wrong about the multiply by 4 part.
The values we get with the HomeWizard Energy are the correct values and don’t need to be multiplied. The values from Fluvius (MijnFluvius) are wrong and need to be multiplied.

I’ve also noted that the sensor you suggested, doesn’t seem to work.

Thanks for the update, my multiplication by 4 suggestion came indeed from the fact that this is necessary for the Fluvius site.
Creating the max (quarter-hourly t1 +t2) sensor I did not try yet, I’ll post the results when I try it.

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Thx for the suggestion about statistics, do you have an idea on how I can display them in lovelace ?

I created this in configuration.yaml, but I have no idea on how to display the max and mean value of kwartierpiek
When I add stats to my energy entities card configuration, it says the result is unknown.

# HomeWizard P1 meter
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: kwartierpiek
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.kwartierpiek_t1')|float + states('sensor.kwartierpiek_t2')|float) | round(3)}}"
        friendly_name: Daily Energy
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.daily_energy_offpeak')|float + states('sensor.daily_energy_peak')|float) | round(3)}}"
        friendly_name: Daily Injection
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.daily_injection_peak')|float + states('sensor.daily_injection_offpeak')|float) | round(3) }}"

  - platform: statistics
    entity_id: sensor.kwartierpiek
      days: 365

    source: sensor.p1_meter_total_power_import_t1
    cycle: quarter-hourly
    source: sensor.p1_meter_total_power_import_t1
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.p1_meter_total_power_export_t1
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.p1_meter_total_power_import_t2
    cycle: quarter-hourly
    source: sensor.p1_meter_total_power_import_t2
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.p1_meter_total_power_export_t2
    cycle: daily

And this is the config of the Energy entity card

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.kwartierpiek_t1t2
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy
    name: D_Afnmame
  - entity: sensor.daily_injection
    name: D_Injectie
  - entity: sensor.kwartierpiek_t1
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy_peak
  - entity: sensor.kwartierpiek_t2
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy_offpeak
  - entity: sensor.daily_injection_peak
  - entity: sensor.daily_injection_offpeak
  - entity: sensor.stats
title: Energy

I’ve released 0.7.0 on HACS.


  • With this version is is possible to change the update interval. Prioritized this for @Fabian_V.
  • Reimplemented ‘manual’ config. You can now add your meter by entering an IP address instead of just discovery. This should solve your problem @bigfloor.
  • Added Dutch translations

Any feedback is appreciated!

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hi guys & girls,
I’m new here and trying to get this thing to work.
finally got the add on installed and now waiting for hours te the Homewizzard dongle to be “discovered’”.
did some reboots…
in the “custom_components” folder there is the wizard folder with the files…
did a restart of the wizard dongle itself…
and i kan see RAW data if I go to the : “http://...**/api/v1/data” page.

so I assume the dongle is working
i assume I did enough home assistant reboots…

really want to have this slik add-on to work.

grtzzzz yvo

Welcome :wave:
I will send you a PM. When we can’t figure it out we can continue here!

got it to work, with the help from Unsigus.

-P1 dongle has to be firmware 2.11 or higher
-also restart after updated P1 your Home-Assistant

when asked for the ip, use: " http://...** "

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@ [Unsigus] Thanks for the latest update ! Manual worked for me (just entered the IP address). Might be nice to actually see that it expects an IP address (no problem for me though).
In the meantime, I made a Node Red sequence to dump the data into my InfluxDB/Grafana setup and got it kind of working overthere as well.

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Good to hear! But… as far as I know it shows that it expects an IP address (no validation though). Was this not the case in your situation?

Nope, mine only showed the line for input. But I did forget to copy over the transkation subdir from the ZIP file on Github, must be it

That also explains why you got an aborted message without the reason why… :roll_eyes:


I currently have an issue where my active power sensor does something wrong.

So it currently it’s -1238W but the graph shows 434W. I’ve already restarted HomeAssistant, removed the integration (and restarted and readded), also removed the integration from HACS, restarted HA, readded from HACS,…

No idea what causes this or why.

edit: In Grafana and InfluxDB it works fine weirdly enough.

Do you see anything in your log?
Do you see the same in history? It could be a an issue caused by Home Assistant (or the frontend) or something that is corrupted in the database.

And to be sure, please check http://<ip_address>/api/v1/data to see if the data is as expected. (I suspect so because Grafana works fine)

the ip check works.

Already restarted my HA and also the device running it. Can’t find it.

I think the best you can do is ask on Discord or another topic to see if this an issue with the card. If they think it is an issue with this integration we can continue with troubleshooting :slight_smile:

Seems my DB was bugged or something…

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Did change the update interval, it looks that this works out good, thanks for the change…

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Tnx a lot, worked like a charm!
Can you please share your code for the “Per dag”, “Per week” and “Per maand” cost?

Hi, waar plak je die utility in?

I’m very interested in purchasing this, however can you clarify something?

From the images I found (at Bol.com) it appears there is no external power connection, is this device powered directly by the P1 port, battery or a connector that simply wasn’t shown in the pictures?

My meter cupboard doesn’t actually have a power outlet in it so would be tricky to implement if it did require external power.