Homey App integration

Does anyone know if you can integrate the Homey app into Home Assistant? (I.e. their cloud based service without buying the physical product). I use three Duux smart fans and Duux only offers Homey integration. I have no interest in Homey, but these fans are the one thing I cannot get into HA. I know they are tuya based but moving them into tuya reduces the functionality to basically just on/off.

Anyone any experience getting a connection setup to homey?

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Those I know who have a connection setup between Homey and Home Assistant use MQTT, but that app is only available for Homey Pro. Maybe an old Homey 2016 is available at low cost? There is an app that works the other way around, I do not see it exposing Homey devices back to Home Assistant.

I could see it work with webhooks, and those are available as far as I can remember.

EDIT: But you have a different problem alltogether, the Duux app is not available for the cloud version of Homey. So unless you get a Homey Pro (all the old ones are called Pro now, even the 2016 model) it won’t work either way as far as I can tell. I really hated Athom for introducing the confusion - their cloud product can do way less than the original models, but they dot tell you that. They still advertise as if they both support the same number of devices.

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Not the answer I was hoping for, but the honest one that makes it clear this is not an idea that will work. Thanks!!

I originally looked at Homey or HA as my main platform. Decided on HA for its flexibility and freedom. Didn’t like the fact I needed to start with an expensive product without being able to try it. Had hopes that cloud version saw them change their ways. Sounds like not really. Just a wee bit.

Hope Duux wil at some point look beyond Homey. Their products are premium price also. But their smart home options are very clearly just cheap tuya based trown together.

Here’s another thought, how about buying an Alexa Dot?
I believe you can trigger Alexa routines from Home Assistant, that may get you more control a lot easier and cheaper. I have no experience with either though, so maybe ask around about Duux and Alexa some more too.

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I try and avoid Amazon if I can. In terms of voice assistants I use Google Home (one can argue what’s really the moral difference between Amazon and Google but yeah). Google was the choice here for voice assistants was due to Google supporting the Dutch language (and young kids). Google doesn’t integrate well with HA (you cannot get devices from it or send controls towards it). Can you actually control Alexa connected devices using HA?

My aim would eventually be to get the fans into my automations and HA dashboard.

(Duux is integrated into my Google Home… but control is spotty → can turn them on, but not off).

Athom has just released an API for Homey:

Does this pave the way for an integration of Homey into Home Assistant without using MQTT?

Great that it is possible, but maybe a strange question where can I find those app API keys in Homey.
I also have Homey myself, but switched to HA because not everything is supported in H

could someone help me, how can I use that API key HA?

After about a week of using Homey, my personal opinion is complete junk, but good luck

A waste of $70 for homey hub