Honeywell ABP Pressure Sensors Platform Not Found

This is copied from
And paste it into my D1 mini ESPhome yaml.


# Example configuration entry
  - platform: honeywellabp
      name: "Honeywell pressure"
      unit_of_measurement: "psi"
      min_pressure: 0
      max_pressure: 15
      name: "Honeywell temperature"
    cs_pin: GPIO5 #D5

I get …
Platform Not Found: ‘sensor.honeywellabp’ ,

If I paste this into configuration.yaml I do not get an error, but why would I paste it there and then how would I use it on my device?

Using 2022.5.x

What version of esphome? That component was introduced in 2022.3. ESPHome 2022.3.0 - 16th March 2022 — ESPHome

I’m using 2022.5.3

But the latest is 2022.4 ESPHome 2022.4.0 - 20th April 2022 — ESPHome

I think you maybe referring to your home assistant version?

For the life of me I can’t find what version ESPhome I’m running. I would hope after digging an available update note would be somewhere like when HA needs an update.
How do I tell what version I’m on?
It’s not at the top of the Settings page. Like an ha update is.
It’s not on the ESPhome dashboard that shows all of my esphome devices.
It’s not on the settings/integrations page.

It is. Look right down the bottom.

Is this It?


If so … Why? LOL

Because you haven’t updated, or perhaps you haven’t moved to the new repo.

I finally found it…


Auto updates is off… And I guess there is no way to know about new updates unless you dig.

thanks nickrout

Now can’t find the go ahead and update button. Anyone know how to update ESPhome?

See Home Assistant Add-on Repo ESPHome 2022.2.0 - 16th February 2022 — ESPHome. First delete the old ESPHome add-on and then add the repo by pressing the blue repo button and next add the add-on by pressing the blue add-on button.

To remove the old version go to setting->add-ons->ESPHome and click on uninstall.

Deleting the add-on has no impact on your yaml files, however having a backup is always a good thing…

Is there esphome doc that says delete the whole add-on? That seems really really sketchy. There is no mention of update instructions in the version link you posted for esphome. Where did you learn that is the way to update esphome?

What’s the auto update toggle for also?

I found this in.

How do I update to the latest version?

And in Home Assistant, there’s a simple UPDATE button when there’s an update available as with all add-ons.

If you are using the ESPHome version from the community add-on repo there will be no new update because that version is deprecated. So auto update will also not work because there is no new update within the community add-on repro anymore :slight_smile:

Before I changed the repo myself, I removed the old add-on, added the new repo and installed the ESPHome just as described in the link I posted. Your yaml files are stored in /config/esphome and this directory is not removed when removing a ESPHome add-on. You can even install the current, beta and dev version of ESPHome side by side (and removing them), they are all using the same location of the yaml-files. This wouldn’t work if one of them removes this directory when you uninstall one of them.

So after switching to the right add-on repo you can activate the auto update toggle if you wish. I’m personally not a fan of auto-update. I want to read the change log first, to see if there are breaking changes impacting the working of my nodes.

Off course you can switch to the new repo without removing the old one, I didn’t test it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up with two versions of ESPHome, the old one from the community add-on repro and a new one form the new repo.

What is the address to the new repository? I don’t see esphome as official add on option.

Found it.


Thanks jsuanet Jos

I already pointed to a changelog which tells you all about it.

Is there anything I might be missing here? Just getting incorrect non moving readings. e.g. -1.875psi and -50c

  clk_pin: GPIO14
  miso_pin: GPIO12  
  mosi_pin: GPIO13
  - platform: honeywellabp
      name: "Honeywell pressure"
      unit_of_measurement: "psi"
      min_pressure: 0
      max_pressure: 15
      name: "Honeywell temperature"
    cs_pin: GPIO5                              # SS sensor select
    update_interval: 10s


The part: ABP2DANT001PGSA3XX
1 Gnd
2 3.3v
4 SS

[02:08:56][D][sensor:124]: ‘Honeywell pressure’: Sending state -1.87500 psi with 1 decimals of accuracy
[02:08:56][D][sensor:124]: ‘Honeywell temperature’: Sending state -50.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy

From what I interpret of the datasheet, the 001PG only measures between 0-1psi, so max_pressure should be 1.

But maybe I miss something?

Thanks your correct. With that changed to 1psi same thing.

I found I get those readings if the part is completely removed from the circuit. Kinda a default reading if nothing is there.

I think it’s time to pull out the Oscope and read some SPI. :frowning: