This may be worth reading by all, even though I am responding to @biemond’s question.
Tip: The CH/DHW domains are completely separate - they never talk to each other.
Without looking at a packet log, I cannot be 100% certain you have the correct classes - in any case, this is certainly not a Honeywell RFG100 gateway and a HVAC remote.
For the CH/DHW devices, you can always determine its class (e.g. controller, TRV, relay) by its device address prefix:
: controller
: UFH controller
: internet gateway
But for the HVAC domain, they do what that like, including using the CH/DHW prefixes:
: could be a remote
: could be a FAN (e.g. extractor, PIV or HRU)
If you’re not sure, then enabling eavesdropping may be able to determine the device class for you.
Support the development of ramses_rf by reporting this packet (unknown mode_set: 06)
This message is because ramses_rf has seen a packet (format) that it has never seen before. This is uncommon, but can happen as more & more people use ramses_cc.
The idea would be to let me know, and I can do what ever is required:
- add a new parser / tweak an existing parser/field processor/etc. - this is the case here
- add command classes to existing device classes
If it is not one of the above, then it is either:
- a corrupted packet (common, but ramses_rf picks up most of these), or
- a valid, but otherwise poorly-constructed packet, maybe also the case here
NOTE: even with poorly-constructed command packets, they are still transmitted
Below we have an example of such a packet (a frame, really) - it is still transmitted (as long as it is in a valid format), and so
- will still be ‘heard’ by the other devices, and they will react accordingly
- will also be received by the USB dongle (that transmitted it) - and processed - and flagged as corrupt, or dodgy
That is, frames are only processed when they are received, not when they are transmitted.
We can see this below.
ANyway, if the FAN is not changing it’s behaviour as this packet is transmitted (and we can assume it was also received), then the packet is not ‘right’ from the receiving devices point of view (and possibly also why ramses_rf is throwing a warning), for example:
- the source device is not bound to the destination device as a remote
- the source/destination address set is not valid/correct
In short - you raise interesting issues (why I’ve provided a lengthy answer), but your question is an XY problem.
And it is difficult to answer, as I have no way of knowing that your schema is correct…
So, if you want a more specific answer - then provide a 24h packet log, which includes a restart of HA, along with a description of what you’re trying to do (rather than how you’re trying to achieve what you’re trying to do). Include a description of your kit. PM me me if you like.