Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

Look for errors in your fault log please.

After updating from 0.30.4 to 0.30.5 I restarted HA and Ramses_cc did not start.
In the logbook I found:

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.ramses_cc.coordinator
Source: custom_components/ramses_cc/
Integration: RAMSES RF (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:52:49 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:49

The config schema is not minimal (consider minimising it)


Logger: homeassistant.components.remote
Source: helpers/
Integration: Afstandsbediening (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:52:52 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:52

Error while setting up ramses_cc platform for remote
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 361, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/config/custom_components/ramses_cc/", line 51, in async_setup_platform
    [RamsesRemote(broker, device) for device in discovery_info["remotes"]]
  File "/config/custom_components/ramses_cc/", line 51, in <listcomp>
    [RamsesRemote(broker, device) for device in discovery_info["remotes"]]
  File "/config/custom_components/ramses_cc/", line 82, in __init__
    self._commands: dict[str, dict] = broker._known_commands.get(, {})
AttributeError: 'RamsesBroker' object has no attribute '_known_commands'

Version 0.30.4 was not available in the version dropdown to download Ramses_cc to the old and working version 0.30.4 again so I had to restore my backup.

The 34 is the T87RF thermostat. I have seen a reference to an 03 being a thermostat, perhaps a HCW82, but in a WiKi page that is labelled as defunct. So perhaps that is your HCF82.

Have you looked at the attributes of the schema - entity binary_sensor.01_xxxxxx_schema ?

This is a silly mistake by me - I will fix it tonight.

It should be sufficient to simply re-install the older version via HACS.

This is not an error - it is a warning regarding best practice.

I would be grateful if you could post the ramses_cc: section from your configuration.yaml.

This is deprecated - look instead at the schema on the 18:xxxxxx device.

I installed v0.30.4 and started getting the same issue of ā€˜nameā€™ becoming null after some time. A few hours ago wanted to downgrade to the previous version but saw v0.30.5 available, so installed that and restarted HA. The issue of name becoming null is still happening for me.

Here are lines from the ramses_cc: section in my configuration.yaml:

  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00
  scan_interval: 60

	restore_schema: false
	restore_state: true
	#enforce_known_list: true  # if not true, still enforces the block_list
	disable_discovery: false
	disable_sending: false  # do not transmit any packets, ever
	enable_eavesdrop: false  # can be used to create an initial system schema
	#use_native_ot: prefer

	file_name: /config/ramses_packet.log
	rotate_backups: 7

	01:081257:                # EvoHome Evotouch - Honeywell Evohome Controller
	13:151403:                # EvoHome BDR91 - Appliance Control
	13:151270:                # EvoHome BDR91 - Hot Water Valve
	13:151097:                # EvoHome BDR91 - Heating Valve
	07:026484:                # EvoHome CS92 - Stored Hot Water Sensor
	34:164569:                # EvoHome Y87RF - Underfloor Heating - Study/Office
	34:164633:                # EvoHome Y87RF - Underfloor Heating - Landing + wc
	34:164619:                # EvoHome Y87RF - Underfloor Heating - Kitchen & Dining
	34:164567:                # EvoHome Y87RF - Underfloor Heating - Living Room
	34:164617:                # EvoHome Y87RF - Underfloor Heating - TV Room
	04:128745:                # EvoHome HR92 - Radiator Valve - Main Bedroom
	04:017473:                # EvoHome HR92 - Radiator Valve - Kids Bedroom
	04:144005:                # EvoHome HR92 - Radiator Valve - Upstairs Landing
	04:144011:                # EvoHome HR92 - Radiator Valve - Guest Bedroom
	18:201474:                # Evohome Gateway
	  appliance_control: 13:151403  
		_name: Study
		class: underfloor_heating
		sensor: 34:164569  
		actuators: []
		_name: Landing + WC
		class: underfloor_heating
		sensor: '34:164633'
		actuators: []
		_name: Kitchen + Dining
		class: underfloor_heating
		sensor: '34:164619'
		actuators: []
		_name: Living Room
		class: underfloor_heating
		sensor: '34:164567'
		actuators: []
		_name: TV Room
		class: underfloor_heating
		sensor: '34:164617'
		actuators: []
		_name: Main Bedroom
		class: radiator_valve
		sensor: '04:128745'
		- '04:128745'
		_name: Kids Bedroom
		class: radiator_valve
		sensor: '04:017473'
		- '04:017473'
		_name: Upstairs Landing
		class: radiator_valve
		sensor: '04:144005'
		- '04:144005'
		_name: Guest Bedroom
		class: radiator_valve
		sensor: '04:144011'
		- '04:144011'

Here is entity ā€™ climate.ramses_cc_01_081257_01ā€™ as an example, and its attributes:

hvac_modes: auto, heat
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
target_temp_step: 0.1
preset_modes: none, temporary, permanent
current_temperature: 20
temperature: 19
preset_mode: none
zone_idx: 01
heating_type: underfloor_heating
mode: follow_schedule
setpoint: 19

min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
local_override: true
openwindow_function: true
multiroom_mode: false

_name: null
class: underfloor_heating
sensor: '34:164633'
actuators: []

  min_temp: 5
  max_temp: 35
  local_override: true
  openwindow_function: true
  multiroom_mode: false
  mode: follow_schedule
  setpoint: 19
name: null

schedule: null
schedule_version: null
icon: mdi:radiator
supported_features: 17

So been progressing on getting this setup.

Been working mainly on the EvoHome kit in wait on the Nuaire work. (although quick question on that one)

This is my nuaire and I see this error alot in the logs (config in second question)

2023-12-12 15:31:27.614 INFO (MainThread) [ramses_rf.dispatcher] RQ --- 18:071184 30:081993 --:------ 2210 001 00 < Invalid code for 30:081993 (FAN) to Rx/Tx: 2210

This is my Config. I believe I should be minimising it a bit as I am overstating my schema? i take it I just need the sensor of each zone? the accuators should auto create?

# RF Configuration
  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00 #SSM-D2 Rev B
    file_name: ramsespacket.log
    rotate_backups: 7
  #  restore_schema: true
  #  restore_state: false

  01:198631:  # Evohome Controller
      appliance_control: 13:100513
      sensor: "07:038573"
      hotwater_valve: "13:244215"
      heating_valve: null
        _name: Living room
        class: radiator_valve
        sensor: 01:198631
        actuators: [04:019338]
        _name: Entrance
        class: radiator_valve
        sensor: 04:019328
        actuators: [04:019328]
        _name: Bathroom
        class: radiator_valve
        sensor: 04:020242
        actuators: [04:020242]
        _name: Utility Room
        class: radiator_valve
        sensor: 04:020244
        actuators: [04:020244]
        _name: Bedroom
        class: radiator_valve
        sensor: 04:020246
        actuators: [04:020246]
        _name: Spareroom
        class: radiator_valve
        sensor: 04:020240
        actuators: [04:020240]
        _name: Extension
        class: electric_heat
        sensor: 22:015026
        actuators: []

  orphans_hvac: [30:081993, 32:222222, 63:262142]
    18:071184: { class: HGI } # SSM-D2
    01:198631: # EVO Home Controller
    13:100513: # BDR91 CH Control
    13:244215: # BDR91 HW Control
    07:038573: # CS92 HW Temp Sensor
    04:019338: # HR91 TRV Living Room
    04:019328: # HR91 TRV Entrance
    04:020242: # HR91 TRV Bathroom
    04:020244: # HR91 TRV Utility Room
    04:020246: # HR91 TRV Bedroom
    04:020240: # HR91 TRV Spare Room
    22:015026: # DTS92 Extension Temp Sensor TRV

    30:081993: { class: FAN } # Nuaire PIV}
      class: REM
      faked: true
        normal: " I --- 32:222222 30:081993 --:------ 22F1 003 00020A"
        boost: " I --- 32:222222 30:081993 --:------ 22F1 003 00030A"
        heater_auto: " I --- 32:222222 30:081993 --:------ 22F1 003 000A0A"
        heater_off: " I --- 32:222222 30:081993 --:------ 22F1 003 00090A"
      # bind: " I --- 32:222222 30:081993 --:------ 1FC9 001 00"
      # Virtual DRI-ECO-4S
    enforce_known_list: false # if not true, still enforces the block_list
    # disable_discovery: false
    # disable_sending: false # do not transmit any packets, ever
    enable_eavesdrop: false # can be used to create an initial system schema

I also seem to not see battery status of 07:038573: # CS92 HW Temp Sensor. There is no Homeassistant references to data coming in and the packet.log I see 2 way communications. I am receiving temp data fine from it.

Let me know if you need anything more.

Seems that the 03 entities are indeed the HCF82 sensors.
For some reason they donā€™t display any values, they are always unavailable although they do work as a sensor for the rooms they are in.

I donā€™t think a CS92 broadcasts its battery status - at least Iā€™ve never seen mine do it.

No improvement on climate zone names or min/max on 0.30.5, Iā€™m afraid.

Earlier today I updated to 0.30.5 and did a clean restart (restore_cache = false).

The names populated after a while - as expected - but now a few hours later they are all ā€œramses cc 01 ā€¦ā€ again. Based on past experience, I expect they will re-populate again for a while, given time.

The min_temp and max_temp attibutes are also still null after a restart.

I have released 0.30.6 that addresses this issue.

As a rule, donā€™t ever disable your state cache, it is going to make your issue more likely. Instead, try:

    restore_cache: true
    restore_schema: false

Is anyone else having this issue? I cannot reproduce it.

My CS92A defintely Tx is battery status:

00:44:02.298 ||  07:045960 |            |  I | device_battery   |      || {'battery_low': False, 'battery_level': None}
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Please send me a 24h packet log.

This I am seeingā€¦ watch this space!

Hmmm trying to think if the main controller ever knowsā€¦. Maybe not.

What broadcast is it that I should look for?

Maybe I am missing something. How is everyone consuming there entities created. Is it all just custom cards? Or is there something I can missing?

Before I go down the rabbit hole of building some custom cards.

Seeing the same thing in the 0.30.5 with the disappearing of the names.

My Cache Config:

restore_cache: true