Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

Hi, I’ve been using version 0.30.9 of ramses_cc successfully for a week or two, but since upgrading to 0.31.1 I’ve noticed that the following binary sensors are showing as unavailable and reporting as no longer being provided by the integration:


Is this normal/expected for 0.31.1? I can’t see any obvious warning/errors in the HA logs for the ramses components. When I switch back to 0.30.9, these entities are restored.

    serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00
    #  file_name: packet.log
    #  rotate_backups: 7
      restore_schema: true
      restore_state: true
      enforce_known_list: true  # if not true, still enforces the block_list
      disable_discovery: false
      disable_sending: false  # do not transmit any packets, ever
      enable_eavesdrop: false  # can be used to create an initial system schema  
        "00": {sensor: 01:215596}
      01:215596: #controller
      04:038777: #bedroom 2
      04:038779: #kitchen
      04:038781: #bedroom 1
      04:038783: #lounge
      04:172415: #bathroom
      13:129802: #boiler relay
      18:138258: {class: HGI}  #gateway_interface

Any ideas?

So reading the manuals on the Nuaire it looks like you could set a 5th button for those not using Humidity control maybe. this is Boost. (not to be confused with Boost button that is actually purge)

Boost only puts the unit up by 1 speed vs full speed of purge (the 4 way boost button)

I assume we can send the Boost command that the Humidity sensor uses to do this. then using any humidity sensor or similar you can then control the PIV using all these 5 options.

So practically the integration is not usable at this moment for what I want to achieve, no? Meaning in case a window is open to put the heat in that room to 5 degree celsius in permanent mode and than after the window is closed to return to the existing schedule (x degree celsius from let’s say 18.00 to 20.00).

Hi, how can I change you blueprint so that instead of turning off the climate to put it to 5 degree permanent?

I believe it has been looked at briefly, but that opens up a huge can of worms, as it would require “translation” of heat demand/valve position between something both evohome and the TRV understand (IF even available on the latter). The only way I see this being doable or possible is if you could fake a zone valve but that would mean open/close only and that’s something you should be able to create yourself by automations in HA if it’s a secondary or tertiary (etc) TRV. Because it would still need a possibility to tell the boiler/furnace/zone valve to “fire”. But building it into the integration seems daunting, not in the least because there are so many TRVs for sale.

Should be possible if you clear all your schedules and rely on HA for your scheduling. That way you will have HA set the desired temps. All optimizations for schedules are out the window then though and might have unwanted side effects, like evohome not learning the heating behaviour. For example, I have a few rooms with very short schedules for heating and it’s having trouble to learn how long and it should heat for and over shoots easily. Another identical room has a steady schedule and rarely overshoot.

BTW, I believe there is a distinction between the “off” setting on the controller and a zone being “off” i.e. 5 degrees set point and turning a HR92 to off.

Most thermostats save the current temperatur value if it switched to off. In your case you need to store the temperatur value manually to a number Helper. The Helper need to be created manually before you can use it in an automation.

You automation should store the current temperatur to the helper, then turn the thermostat to 5 and wait for the trigger close. If close is triggered then get the value from the helper and use it as set temperatur.

@ionutm80 Just created and tested an automation for you - let me know if it works

alias: climate 2
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.window
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: input_number.set_value
      entity_id: input_number.temp_helper
      value: "{{ states.climate.heatpump.attributes.temperature | float }} "
  - service: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: 5
      entity_id: climate.heatpump
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: state
          - binary_sensor.window
        to: "off"
    continue_on_timeout: false
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.heatpump
      temperature: "{{ states('input_number.temp_helper') | float }}"
mode: single

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I had the same issues with the upgrade to 0.31.1 so downgraded to 0.30.9 and all started working again

Hey Philippe,

I would be quite interested in the yaml and/or some text on any custom lovelace stuff you used to get this dashboard. It looks pretty!

The ECO-DRI-RH sends a 12A0 (indoor humidity), and a 31E0 (ventilation demand).

The correct values for the latter a not fully understood - I am simply going to implement the faking, and let people explore, and work it out.

Should be a lot cheaper than the (nearly) £200 cost of a ‘real’ DRI-ECO-RH.


Mebbe a bug - I will have a look - anyone else having this issue?

OK, that’s two.

Re: faking actuators (TRVs, relays, etc.) and other fancy faking.

Unfortunately faking is nascent, and having it work reliably is the first step.

Huge sections of the code have ben refactored for this reason.

At the moment, faking of zone sensors, and switches will be my focus, before moving onto more complicated devices.

You can help by testing these, and reporting back.

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Some of the automations also failed after the upgrade
unknown service: ramses_cc.set_dhw_mode
when I checked, all dhw releted services are missing, but returned after the rollback

Thanks, will test and revert with feedback.

This will be a breaking change - but not yet.

yeah the RH sensor is ridiculously expensive. I look forward to the output commands you observe from the remote to sit and play with it.



Yes I have 3 BDR91 relays and I have noticed that the binary_sensor.13_nnnnnn_active have gone unavailable.

I assume you’re using 0.31.1?

If so - it is a known bug.


Yes I am using 0.31.1

Kind regards,