Honeywell CH/DWH via RF thermostat/programmer/controller - Hometronics, Chronotherm, Sundial

If you have any of these - they are all based upon an aged 868 MHz RF protocol called RAMSES-II.

Your heat source (a boiler?) is probably controlled by a Honeywell BDR91A, or a HC60NG (R6660D) wireless relay module.

HA just now has support for these via this custom component:

You will need to invest in a USB RF dongle - approx £25.

I’m very interested in trying to use this custom component to control my underfloor heating but when I click on the link I get “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”. How can I get access to this?

See: Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (

(sorry, the name changed)

See: for the HA custom component

Note: it is on HACS - search for RAMSES

Thanks David. I had actually already searched for this on HACS but couldn’t find it. I’ve since realised that I needed to add the custom repository first.

So now I just need the recommended hardware which is sadly out of stock currently…