new to home assistant, not a clue how to add honeywell evohome to ha,any help would be much appreciated or pointers in the right direction please
I couldn’t work that out either. The documentation just instructs you to add 2 lines to the configuration.yaml file. But actually, that is all you need to do! Nothing else to install, just restart HA and a load of extra entities will have appeared when you look at the full list of entities on your system. You can then start using those entities on Lovelace cards, automations etc.
Steep learning curve in the first couple of weeks! Don’t worry, there’s loads of help here, and you soon get the hang of it. I’m only a few months ahead of you.
I use the Studio Code Server AddOn, which I think you have to install. (Configuration → Devices and Services → Supervisor → Configure → Add-on Store, search for Studio Code.)
Anyway, once you’ve got it running, there is a setting in it to Show In Sidebar. Then you get a link on the left, where the Dashboard, Logbook, History etc links are. Use that to edit the yaml pages. Be careful - it autosaves as you type. Though you can undo.
Edit - you deleted your post! I guess you worked out how to edit the configuration.yaml in the time it took me to reply!
no no thought i was writing to myself lol
nick,sorry to bother you put in evohome:
put it into configuration.yaml line 12 lol
Presumably you have installed the Evohome hardware in your house. Have you installed the Evohome app and set up a username and password with that? You should then be able to login via the web interface, as detailed on the Home Assistant Evohome integration documentation page. If so, use those login details in your configuration.yaml file.
yes had evohome 8 years now can log into the app and typed it in …wrote evohome: in line 12 line 13 wrote usename:“[email protected]” and line 14 passwood:“qwert” tried it with outand with inverted commas and my username jumps up to the evohome: line if that makes sense
Are you aware that you have to get the indenting correct in yaml? It’s not like XML, or most other scripting languages, where whitespace doesn’t matter. And you need to use spaces, not tabs.
Don’t use quotation marks around the username and password either.
yessssss forgot a space lol…thank you very much nick for that
So i have my username and password in what looks to be the correct format based on Nick’s last post but I get this error:
Config flow could not be loaded: {"message":"Invalid handler specified"}
If I look in the system logs it says this:
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 20:38:46 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:11:12
Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration evohome: No module named 'homeassistant.components.evohome.config_flow'
Any ideas? Running 2022.11.1 on OS 9.3
Same Error as described by @mixedbag here. I wasn’t able to add Evohome to HomeAssistant via web-UI or configuration.yaml.
Same Error as @mixedbag. Was working fine until 2days ago. Any fix?
I am having the same issue too. Trying to add EVO home for Europe and getting
Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}
There appears to be a bug in HA, rather than in the integration.
evohome does not have config flow. Instead, add the username
& password
to the configuration.yaml, and simply restart HA - that is all that is required.
See: evohome: Config flow could not be loaded (invalid handler specified) · Issue #82130
I added the text below in my configuration.yaml entry.
# Example configuration.yaml entry
username: [email protected]
password: blabla
I restarted HOAS several times but to no avail.
Sorry it worked. I had to look for the entity myself. Dumbass
This issue went away for me after I installed the next HA update. No idea if there was a bug fix or just a restart fixed it.
Hi, I’m brand new to HA - just installed it as a means to access this evohome integration because I’m finding the Node-RED module for evohome is unreliable. And I may be asking this question in the wrong place, as the problem may lie with the way I’m using node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket to control the HA evohome integration. But it’s the HA error message I don’t understand, so here goes.
Below is the very simple test I’ve set up to change the temperature of a zone. The debug output looks good to me, but the HA error message reported by Node-RED I just don’t understand:
HomeAssistantError: value should be a string for dictionary value @ data['entity_id']
Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks
Hi, I guess I’m stating the obvious here, but there is some sort of issue in the way that the Node-RED module node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket captures the entity_id that then doesn’t get fed correctly through to HA. I’ve found a simple work-around.
I guess the error most likely arises in the way that the Node-RED module fails to enter the entity_id and its value to the data section of the message (does this make sense?), but I guess it’s also just possible (I dont’ know but I’m sure @zxdavb does) that the way HA/evohome interacts with the Node-RED module when the available domains/services/entities are offered to Node-RED has some part in this mix-up.