Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Do you mind helping me deploy the new, working code? I am rather new to pull requests and such.

I am tracking that the “lyric” in HACS is outdated by six months.

How can I install the new code from timmo001 or your docker version? Do I utilize portainer? Also, when will the PR be a part of the official code, it appears that it’s part of the “core” code.

If you’d like to use the docker image, I suggest using docker-compose - you may use/adapt this compose file:

version: '3'
    image: bshibley/home-assistant-lyric:latest
      - /${HOME}/home-assistant:/config
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
    restart: always
    network_mode: host

Hi Dennis, any luck on solving this issue? I’ve got the same error configurating.

Configurator > request authorisation > log in > HA finds my T6 thermostat > Connect > 500 Internal Server Error, Server got itself in trouble

No I am still using Homekit from the original install of my T5 that is still working good so my view is if it’s not broke don’t fix it.

2nd that, plus Homekit is not cloud base…something I now try to adamantly avoid when it comes to home automation after dealing with Wink’s downfall.

Is there a way to get the AUTO mode working with a Lyric thermostat?
I have mine setup through homekit, but am unable to figure out how to get a card setup like the following:


Does anyone have a solution for this? I’m facing the same issue as well. My Lyric account tells me HA has been approved, but HA never gets the return authorization.

Hey all,

Is there a way to bring in the component which @timmo001 has created and is sitting there waiting to be integrated as a custom component for the time being?

I tried to just get the whole lyric folder in the into my custom_components folder, but that didn’t work for me.

anyone doing this who could help me with this?



Have you tried homekit? I was on the original custom component for some time, but then it went “pop” I then saw that the homekit integration had firmed up so made the move and (Hopefully) have not looked back…

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Hey Uiguy,

I don’t have any other homekit set-up in my house so not sure if i’d wanna go that route.

Thanks for the suggestion though.



Homekit protocol runs on HA, you don’t need any other Homekit devices. The big benefit I see with Homekit is that you eliminate the cloud!

I use my google assistant as well to tie into Honeywell’s cloud so that I can just tell Google to control heat and at least a few times a month I get a message from google assistant telling me it is unable to reach the Honeywell’s cloud and to try at a later time…ugh, really!?!

Thankfully HA still is able to control my heat when that happens because all commands are local through Homekit protocol.

After dealing with Wink’s downfall and coming to the realizing that for home automation, the cloud is a bad bad idea, I refuse to buy products that use just the cloud…vendors really need to make IoT stuff that provides control both locally and through the cloud IMHO.

I get the cloud thing, it lets vendors make life easier for people, but when you’re Internet is down you’re SoL!

If Homekit hadn’t worked for me I was going to give my T5 the boot a buy a Z-wave enable thermostat, but Homekit has since worked flawlessly since July when I changed from this plug-in.

And now that winter is here, haven’t any problems with Geofencing or Schedules controlling my heat using Homekit protocol.

it’s just another connection protocol you need to configure. No other hardware required…

Hi All,

HA Newbie that has been playing with this integration for a while and hoping for some guidance. Here’s the history

  • Tried setting up the original HACS integration and got to the point where configure showed in the notifications, I could log into Honeywell Developer, selected my home security system and then it returned an Error 500 - Server confused itself…

  • Custom installed the new integration via the HACS custom install function. Followed the steps of another in the thread…removed current installation and config, restart, add custom integration, restart, add config file update, restart. After doing all of the that, there is no notification to configure like before but also no errors. I don’t seem to notice any new entities or anything so it doesn’t seem to have worked.

  • This got me to thinking…will this new integration even work on the security aspect of Honeywell Home or is it only for thermostats? Here’s the security system I have which uses the lyric app -

Thanks in advance for any guidance…this is the last integration I need before doing away with IFTTT

Where do you get the device id?

I’m curious about the status of this integration. I have it installed, authorized and (mostly) working great. The component successfully GET’s the sensor information as well as the hvac mode and set temperature. However all POST requests error out. The logs seem to suggest that python-lyric could be at fault for a bad request. My hunch is that there is a required parameter missing from the POST. Can you offer any insight?

have you tried the homekit method?

Has anyone been able to resolve this? I’m getting 100’s of errors in a day’s time.

Logger: lyric
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lyric/
First occurred: 1:39:18 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:39:18 PM
    HTTP Error Lyric API: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:[REDACTED]
Logger: homeassistant.util.async_
Source: util/
First occurred: 12:45:13 PM (31 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:38:25 PM

    Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for lyric doing I/O at custom_components/lyric/, line 92: if not lyric.locations:
    Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for lyric doing I/O at custom_components/lyric/, line 122: state = getattr(self.device, self.key)
    Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for lyric doing I/O at custom_components/lyric/, line 241: self._humidity = self.device.indoorHumidity

I don’t know why so many are against using homekit, it works, it’s local, doesn’t use the cloud and no you don’t need to have an Apple hub. Which I initially thought was required, but homekit is just the communications protocol. I have a T5 so maybe other models don’t work with homekit?

Since switching in July haven’t had a single issue with controlling the thermostat.

Ironically I did setup Honeywell cloud up with google assistant to also control my heat…can’t tell you how many times Google Assistant has told me “Sorry but I was unable to reach Honeywell services right now please try again later”


@uiguy @ski522 I have not tried the homekit controller because in addition to the T5 I have 4 D6 Pro thermostats that I had been controlling with the custom_component. I would be open to trying the homekit version but I don’t have an apple device and presume that I would need one to get the D6’s connected.

No Apple device is needed, Homekit is a protocol that is used by HA. Not sure if the D6 supports homekit protocol, but be surprised if it didn’t.