Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

@jasondefuria Well that is a useful little website there! Thanks

The url has this in it:

but it is supposed to have:

I do have older Lyric folders in the custom_components folder b/c as this has changed over the years i have been too sacred to straight up delete and I have just renamed them “lyric.old” or whatever and the current working folder has always been name simply “lyric”. After delete all that legacy stuff and reboot I now installed Lyric via HACS (not Honeywell Lyric), which had your name on it. Then reboot, But now I get nothing. I get no Notification for a found device and even though the docs say “navigate to Configuration–>Integrations and find “Honeywell Lyric”” the only Integration I find in there is the one for Honeywell Total Control.

You see anything I’m doing wrong?

@mazcoder You probably need to reset homekit settings on the Lyric, once you do that HA will find it for configuration (although not sure if you need to restart homekit).

@ski522 so I reset the lyric HomeKit via your link and the integration found nothing even after a reboot. So I deleted the Homekit integration that had initially found my Vizio smart cast TV. But now it doesn’t even find my Vizio TV and of course still not mine Lyric.

This seems to point to some log file that the imtegration checks for redundant additions to the HA.

Is there any log file that remains after deleting HomeKit controller integration?

@mazcoder from what I gather with Homekit is that once a device pairs to a Homekit controller it won’t re-pair a second time until you reset the Homekit info in the device itself. Why HA doesn’t see your Lyric is a bit odd other then maybe your AP is blocking network packets. I assume you have your Lyric already registered to your home’s wi-fi AP?

For a Honeywell T5, here is how you reset the HomeKit link. You have to reset and get the eight digit code to get connected to some new HomeKit instance:

Right Arrow (6 times) to “Reset”:
Right Arrow (1 time) to “HomeKit”
Select & Confirm.

@ski522 Network is definitely not blocking the lyric as I can and have been controlling the thermostat via the Honeywell app from within and outside my network. I think the issue seems to point to some sort of a logfile or known_devices file that is somehow stored because the homekit controller no longer finds my Vizio TV either.

@tarheelz Thanks for this This is the same procedure that @ski522 sent via the Honeywell link above. And this is the procedure that I did to reset the homekit settings on a thermostat. But the HA integration still did not find it .
Side note: I live in NC, you?

@jasondefuria Finally got your code working and the lyric back into HA! Thank you. I’m going to try to recall the steps that I had to do to get as it has been over 2 weeks.

Besides following instructions in the repo and changing call back URL etc i had to:

Delete all Honeywell integrations in HACS
Delete old lyric folders in custom_ components folder
comment out all lines pertaining to lyric device in configuration.yaml
reboot HA
Reinstall custom repository in HACS
reboot HA
Add lines back into configuration.yaml
reboot HA
At this point I was able to find the integration stated in the repo. Before doing all this there what is no integration Honeywell Home.

Network is definitely not blocking the lyric as I can and have been controlling the thermostat via the Honeywell app from within and outside my network. I think the issue seems to point to some sort of a logfile or known_devices file that is somehow stored because the homekit controller no longer finds my Vizio TV either.

Could be, I’m not a guru on that, I would suggest doing a forum search if you still want to pursue the Homekit route Search results for 'homekit' - Home Assistant Community

Does not look like model TH8732WF is compatible with homekit controller.
nevermind. I was able to connect it to Homekit controller addon after resetting homekit from thermostat setting. Thanks for introducing to homekit controller.

Hello everybody,

Since I have a T9, I have to struggle with the direct Lyric integration as HomeKit support for the T9s seems to be off Honeywell’s priority list. I am using HACS to install jasondefuria’s repo above as this seems to be the latest version with some love.

Can anyone help me clear up what type URL we are supposed to be using in the Lyric dev portal? Reading through this thread, people seem to be all over the place on what to use:

  1. Internal? (got a redirect error from Honeywell validation page on integration setup)
  2. External using Nabu Casa? (got through the Honeywell validation page, but now getting loop errors in the log and no devices/entities are showing up)
  3. External using a dynamic DNS direct to my home IP with a let’s encrypt cert? (*sigh, hoping this is not what I have to do)

Thanks in advance.

P.S. anyone having problems with seeing the integration, make sure to clear your browser cache. I had to do this to see it.

Hey folks, first of all I’d like to thank @jasondefuria on his work on updating the Lyric component.

I was getting the dreaded code 400 error when I noticed my configuration URL was using my public Nabu Casa web address (remote control) even though I had configured the Honeywell API to use the internal IP.

I was able to get it working by temporarily disabling remote control in Home Assistant configuration. So for those using @jasondefuria’s repo, try disabling remote control so it does not get passed in as the remote URL.

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Thanks randyramsaywack, you nudged me in the right direction.

Knowing I could get this working on the internal IP, I was able to get through the integration setup using my internal URL. I had to set my Home Assistant “External URL” setting to my internal URL. I suppose the Lyric module python code is using the external URL setting regardless.

Now I’m getting the sensor data fine, but when I try to control I’m getting the below error (with my private data edited out obviously using “{{}}”).

I monitored the lyric.conf file, and it’s updating token data there.

Logger: lyric
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lyric/
First occurred: 12:49:58 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:49:58 PM

HTTP Error Lyric API: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:{{my devices MAC}}?locationId={{my location id}}&apikey={{my API key}}

EDIT: I searched back through this thread. My error was because my thermostat was set for Auto mode. Once I choose Cool directly on my T9, the controls in HA started working.

Thanks jasondefuria (and forbearers) for your work on this module. That was an adventure to get running, but I know of no other tool with such a community to get my hodgepodge of IoT actually collaborating.

Thank you! I had a problem where it failed on the :8123 addition (I’m running NGNIX proxy, so that port is not necessary and doesn’t work from external requests) - but I just removed the 8123 from the url bar of the failed page, refreshed, and it registered fine.

I tried to refactor the old code and failed. So I really appreciate this integration.

I’m having issue to intergrate it with Hass.
Installation is done, setup developer account is done.
Adding intergration is going well until where i have to select which thermostates i wan’t to use.
if hitting connect i get an error.

what i’m i doing wrong


Well I did it.

I changed over to the now fixed homekit integration.

Works great and also shows the state, which none of the others did for me. Now I can trigger ceiling fan speeds based on the thermostat heating/cooling/off state instead of only the temperature.

At this point, I wouldn’t waste anymore time with the custom components until an actual working one is out.

Hi, I have T9 with sensors and on latest version of HA. Would you mind sharing on how you got it working?


Use jasondefuria’s repo in HACS (install and learn about HACS if you have never used it). You have to choose to add a custom repo and then add:

Follow his instructions in the github page. Use your internal URL for HA in the dev settings. Make sure your thermostat is not set for Auto.

That helped me get my T9 running. Looking forward to Honeywell supporting Homekit though to make this integration less messy.

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I followed the instructions, created developer account and copied all the files and structure into custom_components/lyric and not lyric-new. It does not bring up the configurator automatically when I restart the HA or reboot the host. Any thoughts how I can get configurator to show up in notifications?

As I mentioned above, did you use HACS for the install? This is how I started with it. HACS makes your Home Assistant life easier. Install that first, then use the custom repo option to add the URL for jasondefuria’s GitHub (above).

Yes, I used HACS to install as a custom repository. I get this error:
{“code”:400, “message”:“The redirect URL provided does not match the redirect URL registered for the app.”}

When I look at the, it has http://hassio:8123/api/lyric/calback and I tried with external dns address as well. it throws the above error. When I look at the URL, there is a redirect uri that is showing old config url with port number that I no longer use. Not sure where it is pulling that old info.

Try setting your internal and external URLs in HA GUI if you have not yet.