I am trying to figure out how to trigger a notification when it is time to change the furnace filter. Since I set the alarm on the thermostat configuration (using Z-WAVE JS), it works perfectly on the thermostat itself, however not quite sure what is going on, the Alarm Type Sensor is always set to 0 (zero) even when I dismiss the alarm on the thermostat.
Not quite sure how can i properly set the alarm, am I looking at the correct sensor or have to look at different sensors ( I have 2 other sensors that are not available which are alarm level and mains status)
From the logbook I can see the status of alarm type changes between 0 and unavailable multiple times during the day or every couple of days (not quite sure what would be the reason for the flip)
My Theory is the alarm type should be unavailable, and change to 0 when it is due to change the filter, but not. quite sure how this should work at the moment, I hope anyone that have the same thermostat may be able to help to figure out how to get this configured properly.
Note: I found another sensor names alarm level which was disabled, I just enabled it and not quite sure if this is would be the sensor that I should monitor for the alarm. It is current value 0 as well.