Honeywell TH8320ZW and Aeotec Gen 5 won't join network? ANYONE?

Does anyone have a Honewell TH8320ZW Z-Wave thermostat working? I cannot get it to join the network.

FOUND IT… Took a little googling it was in an old forum…

I hope this helps others out there-- hopefully you won’t waste a couple of hours trying to figure out what is wrong with your device.

I bought a Honeywell TH8320ZW thermostat to work with my Samsung SmartThings hub. After getting it turned on, the top of the screen would almost instantly say “Communication failed”. I would try to add it to the Z-wave network (just like it says in the manual) and it would do one of two things: 1) say “Adding to Network” but it would never do anything for a few minutes, or 2) almost instantly say “Action Failed”.

The problem is this: the Z-wave component of the circuit board is not properly connected to the main circuit board. The two are connected by four thin pins, and the housing is spacious enough that they easily become disconnected. To reconnect them, open the housing by peeling off the front housing (the one around the touchscreen), it should snap off, and this will expose the screen casing. There are two tabs on the sides of it to push back, then the whole thing can come loose. You can remove the main circuitboard now, and then you’ll see the Z-wave board just underneath (still in the housing). Try to now push them back together (being very careful to align it properly). You can put the thermostat back on the wall without the front casing on, and try to set it up again and see if it will connect to your Z-wave hub now. This did the trick for me.

Hope this helps someone!

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