Honeywell Thermostat auto discovered first install but now doesn't after rebuild

Greetings all, i’m 2 weeks new to home assistant and in that time I have really enjoyed how easy everything has been to setup and configure… Coming from smartthings.
Recently with the NEW OS update that came out today (Sept 17, 2022), this bricked my system which wasn’t backed up…
So… I’m starting all over again … …
However this time… Something is different…

Previously with out trying, my Thermostats showed up right away in my overview… (With out even looking for them) Much like how Xbox or Apple tv show up to be configured…

Now with this rebuild , My thermostats are NOT showing up and since I didn’t have to install an integration previously the use of an integration and or app to get this added back in doesn’t seem right. They are Honeywell Wifi Thermostats installed when I got new AC units Last year… They never worked with smart-things however… They sure did work LOCALLY and SUPER Responsive with Home Assistant…

How can I get this to work again like with my first install. Since they auto discovered previously much like my apple tv’s. how can I make this work again?
The only difference this time around are the versions of the Operating System being today’s version vs the previous most recent version.

It worked locally somehow with out the use of an App or integration APi or even Credentials…
It asked to be configured, clicked configure and put in a code that displayed on my thermostats to complete the link… Once done… It was all good from there… … Is there an easy way to have this work again… Or maybe my thermostats think its still linked from before and this is preventing home asssistant from seeing these as new?

Home Assistant 2022.9.4
Supervisor 2022.08.6
Operating System 9.0
Frontend 20220907.2 - latest

Update… I was able to reset my thermostat and it had an option to reset homekit, cleared that and it immediately showed back up in home assistant :slight_smile: