Horizontal line in between entities of a group

Something easy and most likely not so very difficult to achieve would be a horizontal line that allows - within a group - to visually group some entities together. E.g. I have a group “Presence” in which I am showing a number of sensors about location, travel time, proximity, etc… for myself and my partner. Would be nice if I could group them visually with just a horizontal line.

Something like this:

  name: presence
  view: no
    - group.location_jurgen
    - sensor.travel_loc_jurgen_to_home
    - sensor.travel_loc_jurgen_to_work
    - layout.horizontal_line
    - group.location_benoit
    - sensor.travel_loc_benoit_to_home
    - sensor.travel_loc_benoit_to_work
    - layout.horizontal_line
    - sensor.proximity_person
    - proximity.home

In the above example, I’m grouping the presence information about myself, then for my partner and eventually the information that cannot be applied to anyone of us.

Other examples where this could be useful would be the synology sensors, separated in entities regarding temperature, memory, capacity, … Or climate, separating inside and outside the house things.

Splitting in multiple groups is also an option, but that is sometimes overkill if only for 2-3 entities + you can’t always control how exactly the groups will appear on your screen.


For real. I need that in a lot of places, which is probably an argument that I’m bad at organizing, but it’s my HASS and I’ll do what I want!

Went looking for something like this today. Gets my vote.

Searched for this too. Voted up now!

Would be nice :slight_smile:

You can insert an horizontal line using the custom ui state card in the link below. More details there.
Nothing official yet.
Home Assistant updates won’t break it (as of today).