Horizontal Stack - Differing Card Heights

I have a horizontal stack set up for a smartplug, with the first card as a control and the second 2 cards as power sensors. However the first, being an entity card is shorter than the other 2 (sensor cards), which just looks messy.

Can anyone suggest how I can equalise these please?

Here’s the card code.

  - entity: switch.smartplug_1
      action: more-info
    icon: 'mdi:power-plug'
    name: Cam 1
    show_icon: true
    show_name: true
      action: toggle
    type: entity-button
  - entity: sensor.sp1_power
      action: more-info
    icon: 'mdi:speedometer-slow'
    name: Power
    show_icon: true
    show_name: true
    type: sensor
  - entity: sensor.sp1_today
      action: more-info
    icon: 'mdi:speedometer-slow'
    name: Today
    show_icon: true
    show_name: true
    type: sensor
    unit: kWh
type: horizontal-stack


Check out this project: https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card#play-with-width-height-and-icon-size

You can use it to make that button card whatever size you want.