Host addr p1 on homeassistant

P1 host addr
In my homeassisyant I want to use P1 monitor but then it asks for the host name what should I enter there?
Homeassistant run on my raspberry Pi with ip addr of this already filled in but does not work error message can not find host
What is the correct ip addr?

The Ip address should work, do you have the correct ip address for your P1 Monitor and using the integration of P1 monitor

Bedankt voor de snelle reactie
via +intergatie toevoegen komt er een popup om de P1 monitor te selecteren dan komt er een volgende popup met P1monitor intergatie in HA en de grijze balk voor HOST* waar ik dan mijn ip addr invul " " en dan opslaan waarnaar de popup de melding komt "kan geen verbinding maken "
Wat doe ik fout aan het invullen van het IP addr misschien poort nummer of ???

Can you try connect with the ip address in a browser ? Can you see P1 monitor screen ?

My installation config is as follows
Raspberry pi 4 connected to the serial port of my smart energy meter and I installed homeassistant there
In homeasistant I receive data from the smart energy meter.
ip addr of my rasp row is and homeasistant login with http://homeassistant.local:8123 so far everything ok
But now I want to add the integration “P1 monitor” in homeasistant, but then I don’t know which ip addr I need here?
Or is this not possible and should I install “P1 monitor” on another device that has its own IP addr, for example and then use this in homeasistant ?
with kind regards

Ok, you don’t use the P1monitor software however a separate module, did you try to use dsmr reader integration?