Host your own images/files?

Hello! I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to serve up images via HADashboard. I have some special icons that I’d like to use and they aren’t the mdi- type.

Is there a way to serve up a file from a directory? (Which directory?)

Thanks! :slight_smile: I’m looking forward to sharing my config eventually…

EDIT: I’ve figured out a workaround, as I’m running apache already as a http server, but if there’s a native HADashboard solution, I’d love it.

I use a sub folder named “img” in the custom_css folder. The path to your image would then be “/custom_css/img/name_of_your_image.jpg”


Super! Thanks. I’ll try that later.


Can you please share an example how you access the images then? Do you do it through a custom CSS or do you created a custom widget?

you create a directory custom_css/img in your configuration directory (where your appdaemon.yaml is)

then you can place images in that dir and use them in the dashboards/ dashboardskins

Got it! Thank you

May i use then those images as icon inside a dashboard?

you may try, but i told you already that it wont work :wink:
icons are fa or mdi, selfmade images are not (yet) possible