Hottoh Astrel Stove Custom Integration

Hello !
I’ve just released a new integration for those who are using Hottoh based Stove like CMG or MCZ.
His integration consist of a climate entity to control stove temperature and some switch / sensor to control the stove itself.
I’ve validate the integration on a CMG Drum stove.
To control your stove, you will need the wifi module, get the IP address from your dhcp server and add this integration in your config/custom_components folder

Since this is my first integration, I would be happy to have some testers and feedback about it.

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Hi, friend,
First of all, I thank you for creating the add-on.

I have created the custom_components folder in my HA and have put the content from the GitHub.

In the configuration.yaml it is necessary to put something ??? You can put a
Example of the configuration in the configuration.yaml.

I have only put the files in HA and nothing appears.


You need to go to settings → integrations then add the Hottoh integration directly.
You don’t need to add something in configuration.yml

Thank you very much for your work.

I was already working on integrating the stove using RS485 and modbus, but I think this is more convenient if it is possible to access all the data that modbus allows.

I have tried to set up your integration but I am having problems adding the stove.

I have opened an issue in the repository to talk about it.

Thanks again.

I will check thanks!

Hi Elkarto,
Have you made any progress on reading the modbus directly? I myself have an MCZ pellet stove with a Hottoh motherboard, but there is no WiFi on it (2013). I have already found documentation to read the modbus signal via an esp8266 and convert it to MQTT, but this is only for the MICRONOVA type.

Thank you for the feedback.
Br, Simon

Hi everybody.
First of all, thank you for your work [benlbrm].

I’m trying to add the integration in my Home Assistant Core and I’m getting the error message “Config flow could not be loaded: [object Object]”

In the logs I have this information

Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration hottoh: No module named 'crcmod'

I already installed the crcmod module but the issue remains unchanged.

Did anyone manage to fix this issue?

Thank you for your help.

Hi !
I already saw this once and I solve it by a HA restart. Home assistant is in charge to download lib dependencies.
Keep me in touch.

Hi Simon,

Sorry for the delay but I hadn’t seen your message.

I haven’t made any new progress because with @benlbrm integration I can read almost all the data from the stove. And it works like a charm.

I made a table, with the addresses of the modbus registers I had identified.

You can find it here: (I don’t know if this is the best place to discuss about it, though.)

If you make any progress it would be great if you could share it. If you may need some help I’ll try to help you.

Is this integration still available? It would be so great
I just a new pellet Steve from cmg and I ll be happy to try it but can’t find it on hacs

I found the correct port, configured the integration and after few trial I got it work with a CMG pellet stove and got it work as with nodered !

The integration gives 1 device / 9 entities

And it works like a charm, indeed !

how do we find the connection port?
Do you have a tutorial to help me?
Thanks you

Hi laffite,

Port is 5001, you can confirm it by scan with nmap into homeassistant terminal.
the key is to restart you homeassistant after installation.

Be sure your stove is well connected to the wifi and to be sure use the appfire on your mobile if you see your stove it is good

Capture d’écran 2023-10-25 à 21.18.11