Hourly electricity prices Netherlands

Thanks @picomatic i found that; just still not seeing the module / entity / integration in my overview, i just get a brief empty popup after adding and then it’s gone. Could you please check if i’m doing the right thing in the screen capture here: https://www.loom.com/share/6a7af5b9924346f6bfbe95ef87db65d7


You are doing fine, the problem at the moment is that there is no gas data, which ensures that the entities do not work for existing users and if you want to add the integration, it will not load further.

I’m still figuring out the best way to fix this.

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Thanks. Probably create sort of a fallback to another gas data supplier; or set the value to 0.00 if there is no data available?

In the meanwhile i started up another HA instance on my raspberry pi and that seems to be a bit more rigid, with also the possibility for add-ons etc, also bluetooth etc. I think that’s the way to go for me.

Just to be sure: the prizes do not contain the ANWB inkoopkosten, taxes, vat?
If not: is there a way to configure an entity that contains the extra costs so the numbers presented are real prizes? (or just configure a number)

Only VAT is included, you should indeed add the rest yourself. This could be done, for example, by making a template sensor, I think there are some examples of this in this topic.

Right now the numbers that it produces do not mean anything to me if it doesn’t show real numbers. Therefore it would be great if the plugin gets a way to add taxes:

  • two configurable numbers in the integration config that is added to every kWh/m3 or
  • two entities that contain a number (taxes) or
  • a price modifier template field (like the ENTSOe plugin)

In the current situation I would have to create template sensors for nearly everything:

  • average today/current hour/current pct/highest/lowest/next hour

Future enhancement? :slight_smile:

Good addition, I had some ideas about that before.

However, it is not really the intention that an integration will adjust this internally, unless the API returns all the taxes on its own. As a result, you will eventually have to make some template sensors, we can think of something to make this as simple and less lines of code :wink:

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“in the options config_flow”: that would be perfect, allowing the entities to be used as-is without any templates or modifications.

I took a look at the code you shared but realized that I’m too unfamiliar with HA integrations to modify the code myself :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, that will never be approved in core, so you have to create those template sensors yourself.

Did you read this thread? What is the difference with your integration?

In Dutch:

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I think i’ve got it working now. A bit off topic: Now i’m trying to see if my car will charge while the energy price is below 17 cents. Do you reckon this would work? Any advice for a HA noob?

alias: Auto laden
description: ""
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.energyzero_today_energy_current_hour_price
    attribute: attribution
    below: 17
  - type: is_not_charging
    condition: device
    device_id: xxxxxx
    entity_id: binary_sensor.ioniq_ev_battery_charge
    domain: binary_sensor
  - type: is_plugged_in
    condition: device
    device_id: xxxxxxx
    entity_id: binary_sensor.ioniq_ev_battery_plug
    domain: binary_sensor
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.ioniq_car_battery_level
    below: 95
  - service: kia_uvo.start_charge
      device_id: xxxxxx
mode: single

I’ve got another one to stop charging when the price rises.

I have not seen it before, but the information about entso-e is known to me.

The main difference is that the integration for energyzero is made specifically for their API, in terms of entities you get the same as with ENTSO-e. However, the piece of visualization for the apexchart will be missing in core (but you can still add it as a custom component)

For me also a little bit off topic. But I have a tesla integration and there is a sensor to see the added energy. How can I make a counter to see the price for a total charge?

Because the counter for added energy increases over the hours, but when you have a dynamic price you can’t multiply the total charged x price because it will only uses the latest price then.

So how to create an hourly calculation and then a total calculation?


Here’s an idea that (without too much detail) could help you in the right direction:

  • Trigger: Every hour (H:00)
  • Condition: IF Tesla is charging
  • #1 Store kWh send to car
  • #2 Store Current price
  • Template sensor in configuration.yaml that multiplies #1 with #2

@duittenb , thanks for your reply.
But how tot store the data?

In Google sheets perhaps?

Nice work, but if I use the sensor in my appex chart it only shows the price without the extra cost, is there a way to show the total price?

today I installed the energy zero integration and also created the sensors below because I use the ANWB.

- platform: template
        unique_id: allin_energy_current_price
        unit_of_measurement: "€/kWh"
        device_class: energy
        value_template: >
          {{ (states('sensor.energyzero_today_energy_current_hour_price') | float) + 0.17364 | round(4) }}

  - platform: template
        unique_id: allin_gas_current_price
        unit_of_measurement: "€/m³"
        device_class: energy
        value_template: >
          {{ (states('sensor.energyzero_today_gas_current_hour_price') | float) + 0.67541 | round(4) }}

Thanx for your work

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How did you calculate the 0.17354 and 0.67541?

Energy tax 2023 electricity is 0,15245 (EB)
gas is 0,59266 (EB)

Or am I mistaken?




The difference in the costs is called the “inkoopkosten”.