Weather Forecast Alert Helper
Blueprint Yaml
name: Weather Forecast Alert Helper
description: |
# Weather Forecast Alert Helper
## Description
This blueprint creates a weather forecast alert automation that sends a notification when the hourly weather forecast meets the specified conditions.
Do you want to be notified when the temperature drops below a certain threshold, when it's going to rain, or when it's going to snow? This blueprint allows you to set up mobile app notifications for these conditions.
## How it works
This blueprint operates using the following logic, handled internally by Jinja templates:
1. Fetch the hourly weather forecast for the next 24 hours using the `weather.get_forecasts` action (with `{"data": {"type": "hourly"}}`).
2. Filter the result into multiple lists of hourly weather conditions which meet the specified conditions (one list for each condition).
3. If any of the lists have a length greater than the specified threshold (i.e. the condition was met for the required number of hours), send a notification with the details of the alert(s).
- The notification will include an alert for any list having a length greater than the threshold.
## Set-up
1. Create a [weather entity]( in Home Assistant.
2. Create a [notification service integration]( in Home Assistant (recommended using [Notify Groups](
3. (Optional) Create a [schedule or time helper entity]( in Home Assistant to trigger the automation
- Alternatively, you can use a time-based trigger in the automation editor.
4. Enable the desired alert conditions (cold, rain, snow) and set the desired thresholds to be used for each condition.
## Recommended Use Cases
- If you live in a snowy climate, notify of upcoming overnight snowfall in order to plan for snow removal.
- If you have a garden, notify of upcoming rain, or risk of frost/freezing temperatures.
domain: automation
author: travipross
name: Alert Trigger(s)
description: The trigger(s) to use for the alert. Recommended to use a schedule or time helper entity.
name: Weather Entity
description: The weather entity from which to retrieve [hourly forecast](
domain: weather
name: Notify Service
description: The service to use for notifications (e.g., notify.<my_notify_service>). **Do not include the `notify.` domain.**
name: Enable Snow Alerts
description: Enable snow alert.
default: true
boolean: {}
name: Enable Rain Alerts
description: Enable rain alert.
default: true
boolean: {}
name: Enable Cold Alerts
description: Enable cold alert.
default: true
boolean: {}
name: Enable Heat Alerts
description: Enable heat alert.
default: false
boolean: {}
name: Hours Threshold
description: The number of hours the provided condition(s) must be met in order to warrant an alert.
default: 2
min: 1
max: 24
mode: slider
step: 1
name: Hours to Check
description: The number of hours to check in the forecast. **Note:** The maximum number of hours that can be checked is 24, as that is what would typically be returned by the call to fetch the hourly forecast.
default: 12
min: 1
max: 24
mode: slider
step: 1
name: Minimum Temperature Threshold
description: The minimum temperature threshold for cold alerts (in the unit used by your selected weather entity).
default: 0
min: -50
max: 50
mode: slider
step: 1
name: Maximum Temperature Threshold
description: The maximum temperature threshold for heat alerts (in the unit used by your selected weather entity).
default: 100
min: -50
max: 100
mode: slider
step: 1
triggers: !input alert_triggers
conditions: []
- variables:
weather_entity: !input weather_entity
temp_unit: "{{ state_attr(weather_entity, 'temperature_unit') }}"
notify_group: !input notify_service
enable_snow: !input enable_snow_alert
enable_rain: !input enable_rain_alert
enable_cold: !input enable_cold_alert
enable_hot: !input enable_hot_alert
low_temp_threshold: !input min_temp_threshold
high_temp_threshold: !input max_temp_threshold
num_hours_threshold: !input num_hours_threshold
num_hours_lookahead: !input num_hours_to_check
alias: Define variables from input params
- action: weather.get_forecasts
metadata: {}
type: hourly
entity_id: "{{ weather_entity }}"
response_variable: action_response
alias: Get hourly weather for given entity
- variables:
forecast: >-
datetimes: >-
{{ forecast | map(attribute='datetime') | map('as_datetime') |
map('as_local') | list }}
temps: "{{ forecast | map(attribute='temperature') | list }}"
min_temp: "{{ temps | min }}"
max_temp: "{{ temps | max }}"
min_temp_idx: "{{ temps.index(min_temp) }}"
max_temp_idx: "{{ temps.index(max_temp) }}"
min_temp_hour: "{{ forecast[min_temp_idx]['datetime'] | as_datetime | as_local }}"
max_temp_hour: "{{ forecast[max_temp_idx]['datetime'] | as_datetime | as_local }}"
avg_temp: "{{ temps | average | round(1) }}"
cold_hours: >-
{{ forecast | selectattr('temperature', 'le', low_temp_threshold) | list
hot_hours: >-
{{ forecast | selectattr('temperature', 'ge', high_temp_threshold) | list
snowy_hours: >-
{{ forecast | selectattr('condition', 'search', '(?i)snow|flurr(y|ies)')
| list }}
rainy_hours: "{{ forecast | selectattr('condition', 'search', '(?i)rain') | list }}"
precip_prob_snowy_hours: "{{ snowy_hours | map(attribute='precipitation_probability') | list }}"
precip_prob_rainy_hours: "{{ rainy_hours | map(attribute='precipitation_probability') | list }}"
cold_alert: "{{ enable_cold and cold_hours | count > num_hours_threshold }}"
hot_alert: "{{ enable_hot and hot_hours | count > num_hours_threshold }}"
rain_alert: "{{ enable_rain and rainy_hours | count > num_hours_threshold }}"
snow_alert: "{{ enable_snow and snowy_hours | count > num_hours_threshold }}"
alias: Parse response and define new variables
- alias: If any weather conditions warrant notification
condition: template
value_template: "{{ cold_alert or rain_alert or snow_alert or hot_alert}}"
- variables:
notification_message: >
{% macro format_datetime(d) %}{{ d | as_timestamp |
timestamp_custom("%I:%M %p") }}{% endmacro %} Over the next {{
num_hours_lookahead }} hours:
{% if cold_alert %} Temperature: Temps will dip below {{
low_temp_threshold }}{{ temp_unit }} for {{ cold_hours | count }} hours,
initially reaching a minimum of {{ min_temp }}{{ temp_unit }} at
{{format_datetime(min_temp_hour)}} (avg={{ avg_temp }}{{ temp_unit }}).
{%endif %}
{% if hot_alert %} Temperature: Temps will rise_above {{
high_temp_threshold }}{{ temp_unit }} for {{ hot_hours | count }} hours,
initially reaching a maximum of {{ max_temp }}{{ temp_unit }} at
{{format_datetime(max_temp_hour)}} (avg={{ avg_temp }}{{ temp_unit }}).
{%endif %}
{% if rain_alert %} Rain: It will be rainy for {{ rainy_hours | count }}
hours (max_prob={{ (precip_prob_rainy_hours or [0]) | max }}%,
avg_prob={{(precip_prob_rainy_hours or [0]) | average }}%). {% endif %}
{% if snow_alert %} Snow: It will be snowy for {{ snowy_hours | count }}
hours (max_prob={{ (precip_prob_snowy_hours or [0]) | max }}%,
avg_prob={{(precip_prob_snowy_hours or [0]) | average }}%). {% endif %}
notification_title: >-
Weather alert: {{ ["Temperature" if (cold_alert or hot_alert), "Rain" if rain_alert,
"Snow" if snow_alert] | select() | join(", ") }}
- action: notify.{{ notify_group }}
metadata: {}
message: "{{ notification_message }}"
title: "{{ notification_title }}"
ttl: 0
priority: high
sticky: true
clickAction: entityId:{{ weather_entity }}
notification_icon: mdi:weather-cloudy-alert
mode: single
This blueprint creates a weather forecast alert automation that sends a notification when the hourly weather forecast meets the specified conditions.
Do you want to be notified when the temperature drops below / rises above a certain threshold, when it’s going to rain, or when it’s going to snow? This blueprint allows you to set up mobile app notifications for these conditions.
How it works
This blueprint operates using the following logic, handled internally by Jinja templates:
- Fetch the hourly weather forecast for the next 24 hours using the
action (with{"data": {"type": "hourly"}}
). - Filter the result into multiple lists of hourly weather conditions which meet the specified conditions (one list for each condition).
- If any of the lists have a length greater than the specified threshold (i.e. the condition was met for the required number of hours), send a notification with the details of the alert(s).
- The notification will include an alert for any list having a length greater than the threshold.
- Create a weather entity in Home Assistant.
- Create a notification service integration in Home Assistant (recommended using Notify Groups).
- (Optional) Create a schedule or time helper entity in Home Assistant to trigger the automation.
- Alternatively, you can use a time-based trigger in the automation editor.
- Enable the desired alert conditions (cold, rain, snow) and set the desired thresholds to be used for each condition.
Recommended Use Cases
- If you live in a snowy climate, notify of upcoming overnight snowfall in order to plan for snow removal.
- If you have a garden, notify of upcoming rain, or risk of frost/freezing temperatures.