House on fire flow

Let’s assume the house is on fire and the power is still on (I know it is an assumption :upside_down_face:) I would like to start a few events

  • First I want to send all HA users in my group/house a critical notification (just in case they have not heard the smoke/fire alarm… or in case they are not at home)
  • Turn all lights on
  • power off all smart power plugs
  • turn of the central ventilation
  • open all curtains and shutters

The smoke alarm I use are the Fibaro FGSD-002 on every floor.
I trigger the smoke alarm state and the air temperature to send the notifcations.
Lights on, power plugs, central box ventilation are pretty simple to group and turn off/on but I’m not sure how to activate the shutters. I have only Somfy shutters IO with Connexoon box integrated in HA.
Can some-one help me with the correct node to use with my shutters (open, close and %position)?

Thanks a lot

I dont have any help for the flow, but I would add that if you have smart locks, to unlock the doors as well

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Yes thats good for the thieves! Put a smoke cannon in the mailopening and good to go :rofl:


No smartlock in my house :sunglasses:
I already don’t like the dentist


By any chance… do you have the “output” of the events state nod for the fibaro smoke detector?

Thus do you know what it sends out when smoke is detected? on? true? other?

I ask this because I have another smoke detector I use and “all” outputs triggered my flow, including “unavailable”… But I have never really seen the real payload to use.

I have bought a smoke detector spray to test it but thought to ask you since you use it in node-red.

I have red the manual/tech details of the Fibaro smoke sensor and validated it with several treads.
The smoke sensor will report as a default value: 0 and reports 255 upon smoke alarm
And the same counts for temperature: > 55C might be caused by fire
So I have created (and it might be done more smart) for each detector 2 flows: 1 when the state changes from 0 to 255 and one with the temperature going > 55 C degrees

Have you tested if this really works? If smoke is detected? Can you share the configuration of the flow?

actually I have not tested the smoke alarm yet. Not sure how I can test it with actual smoke (don’t know if pressing the test button or actual smoke gives the same output)

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not sure if this will work with the Fibaro and not sure if I will buy this for a simple test (when 1 works, the others in my house will also work)
The funny thing here is when I order it at it will cost me around 11EU (7.45 for the spray and approx 4eu delivery to NL). When I order this at it will cost me 23EUR with almost 16eu delivery… (did I say funny?.. that was sarcasm :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)

Dont have prime ?

Tested with smoke. Only 2 nodes give a message:

255 (smoke)
0 (no smoke)

on (smoke)
off (no smoke)

So at least the sensor and it’s value I used for the flows are correct.
Thank you for validating


I have setup almost the same flow in node red.
When smoke is detected (Xiaomi Honeywell detectors) all covers (Somfy IO connected to Connexoon) are opened (Call service node, Service open_cover). All lights turned on (max brightness) and as final step, all Alexa devices are sending message to leave the house (this is running in a 20 second loop for 1 hour).

I had one issue with the covers (I have 12) that when I mass closed/opened them some of them didn’t respond (to many requests at once ??). I solved this with a delay of 5 seconds between action of each cover.