How activate Speaker Groups in the Yamaha MusicCast Integration


I’m searching for a “How to” use the Group Funktionality from the Musiccast Integration.

With the HACS Frontend “Mini Media Player” i build up my media card:

The Devices are shown up, but when i try to aktivate the second speaker “Küche” i just get:
“Fehler beim Aufrufen des Diensts musiccast_yamaha/join. Service not found.”

type: entities
  - type: custom:mini-media-player
    group: true
    name: Wohnzimmer
    toggle_power: false
    artwork: cover
      icon: true
      power_state: false
      platform: musiccast_yamaha
      expanded: true
        - entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer
          name: Wohnzimmer
        - entity_id: media_player.kuche
          name: Küche
    entity: media_player.wohnzimmer

I do not find any solution, to easy aktivate a speaker group.
Can you help me out?


Sorry for reviving the dead thread, but this is one of the few helpful posts in getting MusicCast grouping to work, so wanted to post the fix for future people.

As mentioned in Yamaha MusicCast · Issue #528 · kalkih/mini-media-player · GitHub, the old musiccast_yamaha no longer exists, and the /join service endpoints have moved to media_player. The new official module is yamaha_musiccast.

Basically this config nearly works if you change platform under speaker_group to media_player. Here is my YAML for comparison.

type: custom:mini-media-player
group: true
toggle_power: false
artwork: cover
name: Kitchen
  icon: true
  power_state: false
  platform: media_player
  expanded: true
    - entity_id: media_player.dining_room
      name: Dining Room
    - entity_id: media_player.living_room
      name: Living Room
    - entity_id: media_player.media_room
      name: Media Room
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Thank you for your reply
It is working great!

Thank you for this indeed! Wondering if any of you know how I can expose this to Alexa ? I basically need this to expose this entity to alexa, but not sure how. I want to be able to tella alexa which rooms to link with specific keywords