How and where to create a group of smart plugs


Simple question…

I have 3 Hue smart plugs :

- switch.smart_plug_sfeerverlichting_dressoir_on_off
- switch.smart_plug_sfeerverlichting_links_on_off
- switch.smart_plug_sfeerverlichting_rechts_on_off

I want to have a group “sfeerverlichting”…where and how do I create this ?

Hi Tom,

I did this :

  name: Sfeerverlichting
    - switch.smart_plug_sfeerverlichting_dressoir_on_off
    - switch.smart_plug_sfeerverlichting_links_on_off
    - switch.smart_plug_sfeerverlichting_rechts_on_off

I can see it under developer tools :

But in the UI I cann’t select it ?

Where did you do that?

And did you restart Home Assistant or run the reload Groups option in Configuration / Server Controls?

In my configurationfile I have this :

group: !include groups.yaml

And the group is definied in this groups.yaml file.

I restarted HA already several times…

Everythings seems allright, but…

That’s because you are trying to use the switch.turn_on service, that can only be used with switch entities. To turn a group on use the homeassistant.turn_on service.

OK, thanks !