How Avoid? not responding -> Wake On Lan Device - Alexa -> Error Message The Device is not Powerd... not responding


I have configured an WOL (WakeOnLan) Device and Exposed it to Alexa as HUE Device.
Its working and in HA i have the correct state because the IP-Address is also given.

My Problem is that Alexa say “The Device is not Powerd… not responding”
How to avoid this?

I know Alexa awaits an response from an Device with max 1 Second delay.
MfG TiBo

What does this have to do with home assistant?

Home assistant ist the central problem off all :slight_smile:

My WOL Device

and HUE Device

are configured
HA should answer Alexa that the device is tuned on (in the expectet time period) , and if it fails to turn on tell Alexa that te device is off.


This is the first time you mentioned home assistant. Thanks for clarifying.

Is there any update on this issue? I’ve got the same problem.

I’m using Home Assistant 2022.4.7 with the build-in emulated hue integration.

I’ve exposted several switches to the emulated hue integration which is working fine with alexa.

In the config.yaml I also set up a switch for the wake_on_lan platform which powers up my synology nas. The script is working fine via the home assistant interface and app. I’ve exposed this switch also to the emulated hue to add it in the alexa app. Every time when I switch on this device per voice via alexa it says ‘The device is not responding. Please check the network settings’ (freely translated from the german alexa voice feedback). But after saying this the device is powered up successfully. As user TiBo mentioned already I think there is a problem with the response time.

Is there any fix or workaround for this?

Thanks in advance! :slightly_smiling_face: