How can a neighbour be non excistant?

I have found that a few of my devices shows 32 as a neighbour. The problem? I only have 14 devices… How can that be happening? Ther eare no extra devices shown in the ZWave Graph or anything.

You need to check your node numbers.

the z wave controller will not re-use node numbers for newly added devices until it runs out of never used node numbers. So if you have added & removed a bunch of nodes it is likely that the node numbers could go that high even with only having 14 physical devices.

I have never removed anything from this network. The two times I have had to change something (damaged switches that I replaced) I have removed everything, hard reset the Z-Stick and then added everything again, in the same sequence (while doing the replacement switches in the damaged switches’ place) so I get the same ID’s. So that’s not the reason.

How about instead of arguing, look at your node numbers. @finity is correct. It will not always go from 1 to 14.

First of all that was not arguing, it was trying to answer and explain.

Second, sorry, I left out this from over: “So my node numbers are sequential from 1 (the hub) to 14 (the door lock). Technically I have 15 devices with the hub, but I have 14 devices that are controllable.” As you already know from the other thread I can’t program YAML for sh|t, but I manage to read numbers in Z-Wave Graph:

Yes, I know there’s a number 15 now, which is a switch I just installed. But that still doesn’t explain the 32 node, which 4 and 3 still has as a neighbour, after my third network heal today.

And I believe the Z-Wave nodes will be numbered sequential when there are no busy numbers on the network, as I said I reset it completely.

Edit: The only thing I can think of, and I don’t even know if this is possible, is that the nodes pick up nodes in another Z-Wave network I have (four switches that as part of an auto heal system cuts the power to Pi’s that have locked up and not given a correct feedback in 5 minutes from a stand-alone Python MQTT script running on them) and can’t read them, but assign them a random number and says they’re neighbours, even if they’re not on the same network. Is this possible?

Sounds like a phantom, the best people to as about that would be the openzwave guys honestly.

OK, thanks! :slight_smile: It isn’t really that important, I just was wondering. But if this is a known thing, that’s all I need to know.

paste this in your template editor

{% set all = states.zwave | map(attribute='attributes.node_id') | list | sort %}
{% for s in states.zwave %}
Node {{ s.attributes.node_id }}
  {{ s.entity_id }}
{%- for n in s.attributes.neighbors %}
{%- if n not in all %} 
    Found Unknown Node {{ n }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Let me know if you have Found Unknown Node in your output

Yep. Same node, 32. On two nodes again, but not the same two nodes. This time it’s on node 4 and 3.

Edit: Sorry, on the same two nodes… My mistake.

You have some bogus things on your network then. It should not find neighboring nodes (outside your network). So have you factory reset your stick ever and just plugged it in with nothing?

As I said in my second message (number 3 in this thread):

So yes. But it’s been a year or so now. Can this be related to my 7 minutes start up time on Z-Wave?

Possibly. If it’s trying to talk to whatever those are.

What does your zwave config look like, do you find a node 32 there? Ozwvldkjafpo.xml or whatever the name of it is inside your config folder?

Nope, that’s the first thing I checked when I found those “phantom nodes”. So it’s not mentioned there, and I think that means that it can’t be in the controller either. So it has to be in those nodes, for some strange reason.

Not sure then. I’d be willing to bet that this may be the source of your issues though. Are node 3 and 4 the same device type?

Yeah, they are the same type of Telldus Z-Wave switch (which half of my system is).